He gives me a dry look. I hold my palm up to cut him off when he goes to talk, knowing full well he would make some sarcastic comment.

“Why are you giving me this helmet?”

“Because…” he moves away from the Jeep and approaches the Harley parked opposite to it. “You are going to need one to ride with me.” He smirks.

My eyes go wide when he swings a leg over to mount his bike.

He kicks the stand and balances it with his weight. “Hop on, princess.”

He caught me off-guard.Again.

Raleigh’s face splits into a grin as if he knows what I am thinking about and he is proud of himself.

What choice do I have? I can call an uber out of stubbornness but that will waste our time. We have important things to discuss.

I thank the stars that I decided to wear pants instead of a skirt.

I unbuckle the helmet before putting it on. Raleigh does the same. While mine is all black, his matte black helmet has blue designs on it.

I trudge toward his scary-looking bike. I have never sat on a bike before much less gone for a ride.

Raleigh revs his beast of a bike and I jump.

He chuckles when I hit his bicep.

Steadying his bike with one hand, he tugs me gently by gripping my elbow.

“Hannah, look at me.” I do, although, half of his face is hidden. So, I stare into his eyes. Which are suddenly serious. “I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe with me.”

I find myself nodding at him.

With one deep breath, I climb on the bike behind him. My handbag isn’t big and it’s snug to my side so I don’t worry about dropping it.

“Change of plans, princess. We are going to your place now.”

Why he changed his mind, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s smart because otherwise, he’ll have to drop me off at my place later. On this scary as fuck bike. So, I’m relieved.

Raleigh takes my hands and wraps them around him. The motion pushes my breasts to his back firmly.

Instinctively, my nails dig into the soft fabric of his t-shirt.

I may or may not have slid my palms to feel his hard chest before doing so.

I shake my head internally.

Don’t forget, Hannah. He is a douchebag who gave away your flowers to someone else. I am not mad. Obviously. But it was a tacky move.

“Ready?” Raleigh turns his head a little.

I try to tell him to ride slowly as it’s my first time. But he doesn’t wait for my answer.

Snapping the face shield of his helmet down, Raleigh tears through the parking lot with a speed that makes me gasp.

“I don’t want to die tonight!” I shout as his bike picks up the speed once we are on the road.

I thought he didn’t hear me but when his chest rumbles against my palms, I realize he is laughing. I am tempted to bite down on his shoulder to stop it from shaking in mirth. But I don’t want to endanger our lives.

“Enjoy the ride, princess. Live a little.” He leans back and turns his head slightly.