She only smirks.
“Why do you have to hurt me like that. Don’t have the gal to admit that you have the hots for the Ice Queen’s commander in chief?”
She averts her eyes and plays with her dangly earring. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“My bad. Allow me to clear the confusion. Your sudden desire to join the rival team is because your crush works there. I am talking about Brielle. That’s right. The feisty girl who hates my guts but loves ogling my team member.”
Her head snaps in my direction, eyes wide as saucers.
“Go and fucking talk to her. You are crazy for her. I have seen it. For months. By the way, she gives you sidelong glances whenever you are in the same room with her shows she is into you.”
Her mouth closes and opens a few times.
“I’ll make it easier for you. I need you to get two bouquets of lilies. We’ll head over to their department right away. You will ask her out. Flowers always work.”
“You’re crazy.” She shakes her head but smiles.
“You love my crazy. Now, what are you waiting for?”
She stands and rushes to the door. Excitement and nervousness in her stance.
Nina halts at the door and turns to face me, her brows creasing. “Two bouquets?”
I just grin and nod.
Chapter Thirteen
My phone rang so many times throughout the day.
None of the calls were from Raleigh.
When I proposed an idea to meet again, he swiftly slashed it and said he will decide the time and place and would update me soon and hung up.
I am still waiting for hisupdate.
My stomach was tied up in knots since afternoon. But something unexpected happened half an hour ago.
When my phone rang, I expected it to be Raleigh. I picked it up with nimble fingers and saw an unknown number flashing on the phone screen.
When I answered the call, I was too speechless to speak any other words thanYes, Yes, Yes, and Thank you.
Raleigh’s idea worked. That call was from Mr. Smith’s office.
Mr. Smith’s assistant had called me to fix a meeting for tomorrow morning.
I left him messages when he didn’t answer my calls.
I needed to tell him about our meeting for tomorrow. His response never came.
I was tempted to go to his department but I stopped myself.
I hate waiting. Especially for him. He is making me sweat for it. I hate the fact that it's working. I am anxious.
On my drive back to the office from Home Care, I decided to never lose my cool with Raleigh. Or at least try not to.
If we are going to work together, one of us has to be the bigger person. And that person unfortunately has to be me. I’ll have to swallow my anger.
Through the glass wall, I see Brielle and others getting ready to leave.