“Do you want me to kiss you, princess?” a mocking smile curls his lips.

My chest feels tight as he laughs. I shove him off me and curl my arms around me.

“Aww, you gonna cry now because I didn’t kiss you?”

I hate him. I hate him so much. He purposely made it seem like he felt the tension brewing between us too.

He bent his head down for god’s sake! He made a fool out of me.

“How can you expect that from me? You don’t even like me.” Raleigh rakes a hand in his longish hair. “Or… youactuallyhave a thing for me. Jesus Christ. That’s why you were giving me funny looks when your hair got stuck in my chain a week ago.”

He shakes his head and regards me with a grimace. “I am flattered. Truly I am. But you are not my type, princess.”

My gut twists and I feel like being sick. But with immense self-control, I manage to say, “Get out.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

Devoid of any emotions, I stare at him with a blank face. “Get out of my house.”

“In case you forgot, I am here for the deal—”

“You can shove the deal up your ass. I am not interested anymore. Now fuck off before I call the cops.”

He stares at me as if I have grown another head.

“You are pissing all over a golden opportunity because I didn’t kiss you? Are you that desperate?”

I can tell him that I can get any guy I want. I can also pull the pictures of my ex-flames and rub the fact in his face that I have had some of the hottest guys in LA and they could show up at my place in a heartbeat if I dropped a text. But I don’t tell him that.

I tell him nothing. I remain silent. I made a mistake by giving in to my desire. He rejected me brutally.

What’s done is done. I can’t undo it. His words hurt me. Who wouldn’t get hurt after being rejected in the harshest way possible?

But I won’t let the hurt show on my face. I won’t give him the satisfaction. Well, I am an ice queen for a reason.

I stalk toward him. Clutching the lapel of his leather jacket, I storm toward the door, pull it open. And with a violent jerk, I shove him out.

“You’re overreacting. But that’s expected as you’re a spoiled little brat. Anyway, I’ll be hearing from you soon.”

There was no way he could pull this off without me. And now, I don’t want to do anything with him or this deal. I will never work with an asshole who treats me like that.

“Don’t hold your breath, asshole.” I slam the door in his face.

Chapter Eleven

Iroll the cuffs of my shirt up to my elbows before cutting the apples into thin wedges.

I carry the plate to him.

Dad is sitting in his favorite corner again. Near the only window of his room.

As his room is on the main level of the homecare building, it has a bay window. Not too large or fancy. But it gives a scenic view of the garden where nurses are with their assigned patients.

Kneeling down in front of his wheelchair, I set the plate on the white marble window sill.

The sky is clear. Streaks of sunlight are pouring into the room through the glass.

A small group of elderly men is enjoying the cool afternoon by playing board games on the outdoor tables.