The rent is affordable, and I prefer solitude.

The landlady is sweet and friendly, the neighbors keep to themselves and aren’t nosy. I couldn’t have asked for a better place.

I am still drying my hair with the towel as I enter the living room. A voice greets me. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” I mutter distractedly before going completely still.

Did someone just wish me good morning?

I live alone. And I don’t believe in ghosts. That means I have a fucking intruder. A male intruder.

Slowly, I turn to my right and lower the towel to look at the person.

My jaw drops at the sight before me.

Sitting on my second-hand couch is none other than Raleigh.

He eyes my wet strands that are dousing the neckline of my t-shirt with water droplets.

His gaze doesn’t stop there, it glides over my body, stopping for a second at my chest before taking in my bare thighs and legs. Then he smirks, “And what agoodmorning.”

Blinking out of my shock, I march toward him and snatch his wrist to pull him to a stand.

He towers over me as I glare at him. “What are you doing here?”

He goes to answer but I shoot another question. “First tell me how did you get in?”

“You’re very unprofessional, princess. I called you several times and you didn’t answer. I had to dig up your address and come to you.”

“Bullshit! You didn’t call me. Not once.” I am so pissed that I grab him by his stupid leather jacket.

In a swift movement, Raleigh frees himself, straightens his jacket, and gives me a bored look. “Why don’t you check your phone instead of pawing me?”

I turn on my heels and cross the room to the kitchen where I left my phone on the counter.

I unlock it and find five missed calls. All from Raleigh. He must have called when I was in the shower.

I face him. I stare at him with indignation. “How did you get in?”

“I ran into your landlady outside. She was stunned to see me. Said you never had a visitor in the past year you’ve been living here.” My fingernails dig into my palms as he goes on. “I told her I was your fiancé and I am worried sick because you weren’t answering your phone. She let me in with her spare key.”

He begins exploring my wooden shelf with open fascination like he is in a museum. “I didn’t like how fast she trusted a stranger. You should have a word with her, princess.”

He picks a figurine and I let out a disgruntled groan.

“Don’t touch my things.” I go to him and pluck it from his curious hands.

He can’t just waltz in here. I never let anyone set foot in my apartment. I don’t want others to judge me by my thrift store antiques or second-hand furniture.

Hell, even Archer hasn’t seen this place. He respects my privacy. Not once in the past year I’d worked for KIM Advertising had he ever come to my place. We usually meet outside for dinners.

I’ll have to talk to the landlady. She can’t just let anyone in my apartment. But then Raleigh presented a good reason for her to do that. He let her believe that my life is in danger or some shit.

Nevertheless, she shouldn’t have done that. I’ll deal with that later.

“Chill. Why are you so wound up over a figurine?”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. God, give me strength.