“So, you’re telling me, Mr. Smith was testing us?”
“Bingo. He wanted to see what I would do. As your opponent, I should’ve given my card to him but as a fiancé, it is wrong on so many levels. My action cemented our fake engagement in his eyes. That is why, baby, I am so sure of the callback.”
“That still doesn’t answer one of the major issues at hand. How would we compete if we are working on the same client?”
“Give me a day. I’ll have the answer to your question by then.”
I shake my head, totally bemused that I am considering it. “What about the wedding? Do I have to marry you for real? And how would we explain this mess to Archer? You know how much he hates being lied to.”
“Tomorrow’s Sunday. I’ll call you. I am not sure what and how I am going to do this, but I’ll get all the solutions to your queries by tomorrow.”
I give a small nod. Because I don’t have anything else to say. All I can do is wait.
Chapter Ten
Ihad a bizarre dream last night.
After returning home from the gala, I was restless.
Quickly changing out of the gown, I put my pajamas on and set to work. Lighting up candles in my bedroom, playing soft music on my Bluetooth speakers, I created the ambiance to ease up my stress.
I worked on my laptop for a couple of hours.
I was relaxed by the time I finished checking mails and sleep lured me in.
I woke up gasping for air at some ungodly hour. I had a dream of me driving my car at a high speed and the brakes weren’t working.
Then my dream took a turn to the worse when my steering wheel started acting up.
Just when I was going to crash into a glass building, I woke up.
The dream was so vivid, my heart was about to jump out of my chest.
Restless, I picked up my phone and tried to google the meaning of the dream I had.
An article read that we often experience these kinds of dreams when something is going off the intended path or direction we thought it was going in.
It means I was feeling helpless because I was losing control over situations in my life.
I don’t usually believe everything that’s on the internet, but last night when I was reading that article, I couldn’t help but wonder if my dream was an outcome of the events of the gala.
It was true. I was feeling helpless with the dramatic turn of events.
Up until yesterday morning, I was a single independent woman who was practically married to her job.
In just one day, I am no more single. Engaged without a ring. And totally dependent on my fiancé who is going to decide my future.
Thoughts like those poked my sanity. I tried going back to sleep and after wasting hours doing so, I decided to read.
I am not fond of reading. I pick a book when I can’t sleep. It works every time.
As expected, I fell asleep within fifteen minutes of reading.
I fell asleep in an awkward position and now it came to bite me in the ass. Because my neck is stiff as fuck.
So, last night was literally hell.
Now it’s eleven in the morning. I am perched on the barstool, sipping my coffee and cracking my neck. Did I mention I am staring at my phone non-stop? Because I am.