It’s written all over his face. But I purposely wait for a few seconds.
When he looks between me and Hannah expectantly, I go for the kill. “Hannah’s fiancé.”
I tighten my grip on her hip, silently signaling her to go with the flow. Because one wrong move from her and we can kiss this deal goodbye.
“Mr. Jackson, you shouldn’t have left your fiancée unattended like that. Did you know what happened in your absence?”
I look down at Hannah for a second before looking back at Victor. “What happened?” I ask both of them, giving an Oscar-worthy performance.
Victor goes on to tell me about the incident and this time I don’t have to act the part of an angry and protective fiancé. It comes naturally to me.
I consider leaving this conversation simply to find that motherfucker and break his skull.
I cup Hannah’s face in both hands. “Are you okay?”
It is a genuine question. And I think she gets it because she gives me a small nod.
She then grabs my wrists, her brows knitted together, but doesn’t pull them off her. “What are you doing?”
It is a loaded question. I know what she is asking. Now’s not the time to answer it though.
“I am worried for you. I know you hate it when I go all mushy and dote on you. I am aware that you’re tough and a strong woman. But please, bear with me tonight.”
Looks like her shock has worn off because now she is giving me a ‘seriously?’ look.
She opens her mouth to speak but I turn to Victor. “Thank you, Mr. Smith, for standing up for her.”
“As you said just now, she is one strong woman. All I did was kick Hugh out.”
“I appreciate it.” I throw in a casual joke about her being a tough cookie at work, hoping he would ask what I want him to.
He might be thinking this conversation is natural. But everything is controlled by me.
As expected, he asks, “You two work together?”
“Yes,” I answer before she could. She is silent, and I want her to stay that way for a few more minutes.
“What about non-fraternization policy?” Victor voices his question nonchalantly.
“We can’t help who we love. It just happens. Love is a feeling, not a choice.” It’s a wonder how I am saying this crap with a straight face.
Also, I believe I am going straight to hell. Because Victor has a nostalgic expression on his face. He also appears to be… sad.
There’s no need to feel guilty, I remind myself.
I am doing this plainly because I want the contract.
I don’t aim to hurt his feelings or sentiments intentionally. If I do end up doing it, then it’s collateral damage.
Now comes the real twist. This can go terribly wrong. Or it can get us the deal. It all depends on how Hannah performs.
I look at her. She still looks skeptical of me but there’s a hint of understanding. I can take it. Even a sliver of it can work in our favor.
Here goes. “From the soft look in his eyes, it seems as if Mr. Smith knows well enough about love and what’s it like to love someone like crazy.”
Hannah purses her lips. A look of defiance coats her features.