According to my source, he arrived half an hour before I did.

I gloated over the fact of having a potential client before Hannah. She was bristling with curiosity and anger.

It was entertaining to watch the surprise and a little bit of anxiousness shadowing her features the moment I disclosed the news.

Her gunmetal eyes widened before she schooled her features. But she wasn’t fast enough. Little does she know, she is in for an even big shock.

I spotted Archer’s business associates the moment I entered the room.

They are here like me because they couldn’t get an appointment with Victor. It is understandable as he is a billionaire tycoon.

Like me, they all are hoping to get a few minutes with him to talk about the marketing of the latest addition to his assets. The Maui Resort.

What they don’t know is that he has been already meeting Mr. and Mrs. Johnson—owners of Muse Agency.

I was on it the moment news got out about his resort. I didn’t share it with my team. And instead contacted one of my allies in New York.

He informed me about the lunch and dinner meetings between Victor and the Johnsons.

I took a week off and personally flew to New York to confirm the information.

Having access to someone’s schedule was wrong. But I wasn’t kidding when I said I would do anything to get what I want.

My plan was to get a contract from Victor Smith and demand the dissolution of Department II.

But I guess Universe was working in my favor because Archer announced the promotion.

A promotion that would eliminate the unwanted addition that was made to my creative department.

A promotion that is rightfully mine in every sense.

Before Hannah, there was only one Creative Director in KIM Advertising. And that’s me.

Now that I have an opportunity to rectify all the wrongs and get my previous position in the agency back, I am not going to hold back.

I head to the staircase with a purposeful stride, ignoring the sidelong glances I get from the females.

I nod at an acquaintance who’s dressed in a tuxedo like I am before climbing up the stairs.

A male grunt falls on my ears once I am on the second level.

I catch sight of a woman with short hair shoving away a man who is twice her size.

“Don’t touch me again, asshole.” She speaks. Her tone is sharp and stone-cold.

Only one woman was capable of bringing such steel and hardness in her soft feminine voice.

Hannah Cooper.

Before my mind could process the reason behind her presence here, I find the man charging toward her.

My blood runs cold. My jaw hardens, fingers curling into fists as I prowl toward the asshole.

I didn’t witness what went down here before I came up. I don’t know what’s happening. What I do know is no man has the fucking right to threaten or physically hurt a woman. Even if that woman is a relative of that person. He can’t do that, period.

I have zero fucks to give when it comes to thinking of the aftermath of my actions because I am seconds away from punching the shit out of this guy.

However, my feet halt when men dressed in black start clearing out the crowd.