“Oh, no, no. I am glad to see a woman fearlessly taking a stand for herself. I have a daughter your age and I would want her to tackle the situation exactly how you did.” He smiles at me, a soft look in his eyes.

He reminds me of Dad. I can’t help but return it.

“May I know the name of this courageous young lady?”

I smile before extending my hand. “Hannah Cooper.”

He takes my hand. “Ms. Cooper, it’s nice to meet you. I am Victor Smith.”

“I know who you are.” How can I not?

“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re a representative of some advertising agency.” He pockets his hands, his eyes dancing.

From my peripheral vision, I see the crowd getting dispersed by men dressed in black. They look like Mr. Smith’s security detail.

I raise my palms in surrender. “Guilty as charged.”

That makes him chuckle.

This feels surreal. Nothing went according to my plan.

First, I wasted my time searching for him on the main floor of the ballroom. Then when I did find him, I made an unforgettable first impression by making a man almost cry.

And now, Mr. Smith is not only conversing with me, but he is also finding our conversation amusing.

Mr. Smith is sixty-five years old but he has aged well. He looks far younger than his age.

He has maintained his physique well. And in this short interaction, I learned he is unlike other snobbish people attending this gala.

Now, I am not claiming all of the rich people are snobs. But most of them are.

They would entertain you or give you their time of day based on your wealth.

“What agency do you work for?” asks Mr. Smith.

“I work for KIM Advertising.”

“Hmm. Can’t say I haven’t heard of it.”

My brows shoot up. “You have?”

That’s huge. Especially coming from a billionaire business mogul.

“But what’s confusing is why would you approach me now?”

I frown. “I don’t understand.”

“Everyone in the world knows about the brand new resort I built this year. It’s in the loving memory of my wife, Greta.”

Sadness flitters across his face. He straightens his shoulder and covers his somber mood by pasting a small smile. “Anyway, you should’ve approached me sooner. I am already in the talks with Muse Agency.”

Muse Agency. I rack my brain to search for any information about it.

Oh, yes. Muse Agency is based in New York and is run by a couple. I don’t exactly remember their names but they have a pretty big following on Instagram. They are also dubbed as a power couple.

“While I understand that, all I’m asking is five minutes of your time.”

He pauses for a moment and I think he might agree on hearing my pitch.