Notjustbecause we work our asses off. But also because of the creativity that flows in our veins. The want… no, the need to create something unique keeps us going.
I might want to kick his ass. I might lust after punching his symmetrical face but I wouldn’t like to witness him being laid off.
“Initially, I was pleased by seeing you two compete in getting your plans selected. It worked in the favor of the agency as the quality of your work was top-notch. But then I began noticing how you two refused to work on different projects. You both wanted to work on the same campaign to defeat the other.”
I part my lips to speak but he raises a palm. “The major reason for my making two creative departments is time efficiency. I thought having two teams on board would stipulate that both of them would undertake two different campaigns at the same time. It was a great strategy to make the agency grow as the two of you have huge potential.
“But instead of harnessing your talents and leading your respective teams, what did you guys do? You focused on working on the same project. Time and again. This has led to the unnecessary waste of creative funds. And while you both have been bringing new clients in, I can’t ignore the tense working environment. Because of you two, the rivalry has spread even between your teams. I can’t have that.”
He is right. Shit. He is totally right.
We unintentionally started a war. But what happens now?
Raleigh is awfully quiet. He doesn’t look shaken. He is just silent, listening observantly to Archer.
“But… I would never dream of letting one of you go. So, when the merge is finalized, one of you would become the Creative Director and the other has to…”
Please, don’t say it.
Please. Do not speak what I am thinking, Archer. Please.
I need this job. I could never survive without it. I have to look after my dad. I am nowhere near my goal yet. I can’t quit this job. Because that’s what I’ll be forced to do if I have to…
“work under the other as a subordinate.” He finishes.
Chapter Seven
“And how would you choose the new and only Creative Director between us?” Raleigh’s voice is smooth as he asks the question.
Like this whole situation doesn’t faze him in the least. Like he has been waiting for an opportunity like this one all along.
Oh. So Raleigh Jackson wants me out. Because he knows I would never work under him ever again.
The six months I worked for him were torture.
I need this job. Maybe more than him. If that means I have to fight tooth and nail for this promotion, then so be it.
I am ready for any challenge. Because this promotion is mine.
I was feeling bad at the thought of Raleigh getting fired but after seeing his eagerness at the prospect of my leaving this agency, all the remorse went out the window.
The game is fucking on. If he wants to continue working here, then he better get used to following my orders.
There’s only one spot for the alpha in a pack. And that spot belongs to me.
“Good question. I was getting to that. You both have to try bringing in a new client. As this merge would take effect into the middle of next month-”
“It’s already the end of November. We still need to meet month-end deadlines. That means it’s only fifteen days away!” I interject.
“Hannah.” He says softly. “Let me finish what I have to say. I know all of this has come as a shocker but just hear me out.”
I jerk a stiff nod.
“As I was saying, I have purposely decided to give you both a short duration. Don’t I know the process of searching for opportunities and pitching a client takes time? That’s exactly why I am doing this.
“You both are important to me and my agency. I’d be stupid to let any of you go. Getting a client signed in less than fifteen days is next to impossible.
“As much as your rivalry is famous in this industry for your competency, chances are you both might fail this task. So you both have to share an office and the post of Creative Director.”