He is a born leader. With the way he is progressing at the age of thirty-one, he is proving to be unbeatable when it comes to conquering the advertising industry.
He is polite and helps everyone in need. I am the prime example.
There is just one hiccup, though. He can never-like ever-tolerate lies. He hates being lied to.
We all know that Archer’s parents moved to America shortly after their wedding. Archer was born in the US two years later. We have even met his folks and they are the sweetest.
One year with him was enough to know all about him. Archer is an open book, but still, we couldn’t understand the reason behind his detestation toward lies and liars.
Firing an employee over a lie might seem brutal. But I guess that’s what makes Archer ruthless.
“I want you to get me a new assistant by the end of this week. End of discussion.” He removes his AirPods, indicating he has ended the call.
I can picture Janet-our HR director-grumbling in annoyance.
This isn’t the first time Archer had done this. It’s the third assistant Archer just fired in a month.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them.
“Are you okay, boss?” I ask.
He slides his eyes to me, a smile curling his lips upward.
Archer is a friend, so I don’t have to be formal with him.
Everyone in the office is on a first-name basis with him. As I said, he is friendly and easy-going.
Still, I often tease him with terms like boss, captain, or chief. I am not playful with everyone most of the time. But with Archer, it comes naturally. It might be because he knows my true identity and still accepts me without any judgments.
“I am, smartass.” He chuckles. “The incompetency of people being sincere baffles me. But anyway, let's not waste another second over unnecessary things. You both might be wondering why I called you two for this meeting which has no agenda.”
“Hannah mentioned it would affect our jobs,” Raleigh says.
And although his face is impassive and his tone neutral, I know he is throwing shade.
He doesn’t have to sneer to express his contempt over my friendship with Archer. The way he said it in a monotone was a dead giveaway. And maybe Archer wouldn’t notice it, but I do.
It is a benefit of keenly observing your rival.
Archer raises an eyebrow. A small smile is playing on his lips as he leans back in his seat.
Maybe I underestimated Archer’s intelligence. He did notice it.
“Are you implying that I purposely kept this information from you?” he asks softly.
His voice is calm and composed like he is not offended at all about his employee and good friend doubting him.
“Did you?” Raleigh crosses his arms and rests them on the table.
“Now, now. Accusing me of discrimination is not very nice, Raleigh. That too between the two of my star employees.” He shakes his head. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.”
Raleigh goes to speak but Archer cuts him off.
“I think you are forgetting something.” He stands, sticks his hands in his pockets, and begins walking around the room leisurely.
Stopping in front of an abstract painting, he says, “Remember I told you there’s going to be a big promotion coming next month.”
Raleigh seems to be contemplating what Archer said and a second later recollection of it flashes over his face.