“I think Archer is running late. Don’t you think it’s our responsibility to be present in the meeting room when he arrives?”

His only response is a chuckle.


“There’s no need to do that. You can get back to your department, princess.”

“Are you deaf? Or are you acting dumb on purpose? This meeting is important. This is going to affect our jobs. Archer told me a few days ago.”

“Perks of having a connection with the boss.” He spits out.

Raleigh will always resent me for my friendship with Archer. After all, he thinks Archer divided his department into two simply because he is biased toward me.

He will never see the success this agency gained because of our rivalry.

To best each other, we have given our best in each project. No matter who won, every month our success rate has seen increment.

And about my department. I have fucking earned it. Raleigh is salty because he knows that too. He knows I have potential. That my work speaks for itself.

I don’t comment on his snark. Instead, I push to my feet. “I think we should head to the meeting room.”

“I told you. There’s no need for that.”

“And I asked you why-”

“Because the meeting will start as per the schedule. At 3 p.m.”

I still. Every muscle in my body locks. “I beg your pardon?”

This is not what I think it is, right? Raleigh is an asshole but he can’t stoop so low. Right?

He rolls his eyes. “It’s not a big deal. Think of it as a prank from your colleague.”

I couldn’t meet Dad because I was running late.

No, because Raleigh decided to prank me. What he doesn’t know is that his little prank robbed me of my time with Dad.

I just stand there, staring at him silently.

You need to leave, Hannah.

Nodding to myself, I turn and leave without a second glance. It might be because my eyes are welling up again.

I left without saying a word. It might be because I know my voice would crack.

He can take his pleasure in playing a prank on me.

He can rejoice in my defeat at work. But I will never let him have satisfaction in my tears.


“Hannah!” Chris rushes to me. I am sitting on the balcony of the seventh floor of the office building. This floor serves as a break room.

But it’s unlike any other typical break room. Because it’s not a room. The entire floor is dedicated to it.

According to Archer Kim, the possibility of achieving success increases tenfold when the employees are fit. Both physically and mentally.

So this floor has everything. From treadmills to yoga mats to weights. There are even sleeping pods for employees needing a nap.