Page 213 of My Ruthless Opponent

I was so eager to put a ring on her finger that I proposed to her—again—a month later we reconciled with Archer.

And two months after that we got married. In Maui. Yes, you guessed it right. In Euphoria. We got married there because that’s where our love story started.

This time, Hannah’s dad walked her down the aisle. The ceremony was small with our friends and family. Archer’s parents were also part of it.

It was quite difficult to book rooms in Euphoria because, after our ad campaign, the resort had a successful grand opening. But Victor helped in making the arrangements for our guests. He is still our good friend. He was also the first one to receive our wedding invite. After all, he played an important role in our love story.

Few days before the opening of Euphoria. We held a press conference where Hannah and I, along with Victor were present.

The news of us getting married on camera was already out in the public. And when we didn’t go through with the wedding… we had to give an explanation.

We released a statement that we decided against getting married on camera for an ad campaign for sentimental reasons.

It wasn’t technically a lie. Weweregetting married. And we discussed this with Archer before going through with the statement. We are never going to lie to him. We took an oath.

It’s been five years. Five years of utter bliss. Five years later and we are still in the honeymoon phase of our marriage.

She just breathes around me and I get hard. And when she is angry? I lose my fucking mind. Like now.

Hannah grabs my tie and yanks me closer to her. “Bad boy, huh?”

Sliding my hand around her hip, I pull her to my chest. “Your bad boy.”

She smiles at me. She is even more beautiful than she was seconds ago. “Damn straight.”

Stepping back, she asks, “Okay, how do I look?”

She looks fucking sexy in a burgundy wrap dress.

I twirl my finger, gesturing her to do a slow turn. I have seen her get ready. But I ask her to do it nonetheless because I am obsessed with my wife.

I step closer and lean down to press a kiss on her bare shoulder. Brushing my lips against her ear, I say, “You look delectable, wife.”

She leans back to stare at me, her cheeks turning pink. “I do?”

“Fuck yes,” I growl. Clutching her hips, I tug her to me and move down to kiss her.


We break apart as Brooke, our four-year-old daughter toddles inside our bedroom.

I bend on one knee, preparing to catch her as she comes running toward me.

“Daddy!” She sobs and throws her chubby arm around my neck. I hug her to my chest, rubbing her back as she hiccups.

“What’s wrong?” I ask gently as I continue stroking her back.

She draws back and stares at me with tear-filled baby blue eyes. “My crown broke.” She holds up the shimmery tiara I got her a weak ago.

She should be in bed where I left her an hour ago. Now that I think of it, I notice that she has changed her pajamas. She is wearing a pink dress.

“Why aren’t you in your bed, Brooke?” I wipe her tears and rumple her already messy pigtails.

“I wanted to play with Daddy… but… but…” Her chin trembles.

“My crown broke!”

I make a sound in my throat. I can’t see either of my girls crying.