“Are you here for me?” Raleigh asks in his smooth deep tone as he towers over me. His baby blue eyes study me lazily, scanning me from my face to my pale thighs and legs which are exposed by shorts suit.
It almost makes me self-conscious. Did all the tire-changing activity ruin my outfit? Does my hair look greasy?
My fingers itch to reach up and comb through my short hair. I curl them in fists instead.
I part my lips to talk but he beats me to it.
“Coffee?” he extends his hand and I notice he’s carrying a travel cup.
I purse my lips together and paste a smile that might as well resemble a grimace.
I despise his height. I am not a short woman but his height still manages to make me feel like one.
I loathe having to tilt my chin up to stare at him. And he knows it full well. That’s why helovesto tower over me whenever he gets the opportunity of doing so.
“No, thanks. Can we talk for a sec?”
I focus on him instead of paying any attention to his team who’s raptly watching us.
I nod in the direction of his office, indicating that I want to talk alone. But he has other plans.
“Hold this.” He thrust the cup in my hand and I grab it before it could slip and fall.
With his eyes still holding mine, he shrugs off the jacket, leaving him in a tight gray Henley shirt.
I can’t pull my eyes away from his body. His firm chest and broad shoulders are on display as he sheds the layer covering it.
His silver necklace glints in the morning light pouring through the glass floor-length walls of the building.
My eyes slide down to his trim waist, catching a hint of the dark brown belt under his shirt…wait, what the fuck?
I was checking out Raleigh Jackson.
Something is seriously wrong with me today. I’ll have to get my brain checked.
“Had your fill?”
I quickly snap my eyes up.
The bastard is grinning. He caught me.
I scoff, slam his coffee on the desk he was sitting on and turn on my heels. Mainly to fight the burn in my cheeks.
I march to his office and take a seat in one of the guest chairs.
It is not the first time of me being in his office. But it still boggles me how he can work in such a messy environment.
Okay, I am exaggerating a bit by calling his office messy. It is just not organized well.
I stare at the wall of shelves and cabinets right behind his chair.
There’s a huge monitor stationed on the shelf. With a thousand cutouts and post-it notes pinned beside it.
A medium-sized figurine of Lord Buddha is on the top shelf. It is slightly turned to the right.