His face is ashen. He must have heard everything because his eyes are hard, his jaw tensed. Archer takes a step back then another, shaking his head.
“Archer,” I speak but he turns on his heels and charges out toward the exit.
Murmurs break around the tent but I don’t bother to look at anyone as I sprint to the opposite way Archer disappeared to.
My heel snaps and I stumble, tears falling rapidly now. But I don’t stop running, I run and run until my feet ache and my vision blurs. I run until I reach my suite, leaving behind the man I love at the altar with my heart shattered at his feet.
I lost the two most important men in my life today.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Ibite my quivering lip, tears streaming down my face as I hold the leather jacket Raleigh gifted me.
It hurts even though I had known what was inevitably coming. The end of our story. But seeing him at the altar absolutely broke me.
And Archer… he left. I don’t have the courage to go after him. The knowledge that Archer would never talk to me sits heavy in my gut.
The pressure on my chest increases as I place the jacket on the bed and pack my clothes. I am not going to take a single item that would remind me of him.
I had thought I wouldn’t shed a tear over my heartbreak. Seems like I am not strong like I think I am.
No more Ice Queen. I forgot how it was like to lead a dual life. I forgot hownotto let the sorrow and pain show on my face.
Wiping the tears with the back of my hand, I get my things from the bathroom and toss them into the open trolley bag.
When all things are packed, I pull the zipper close, the bling on my left hand catching my eye.
The hurt spreads through my limbs as I tug at it to remove the diamond ring from my finger. When it gets stuck mid-way, I bite back the fresh tears and yank it off my finger. It falls on the floor.
Immediately sinking to my knees, I reach for it. Pressing a soft kiss of goodbye against the cool diamond, I stand and place it on the bed next to the leather jacket.
I re-enter the bathroom with a change of clothes. Washing the ruined makeup off my face, I shed the beautiful dress and pull on the pair of jeans and full sleeve gray sweater.
My movements are heavy and slow. I pack my laptop and other electronic gadgets in my messenger bag and now I am ready to go.
My chest squeezes as I glance around the bedroom that has witnessed some of the best moments of my life.
Sniffling, I mutter a choked goodbye to the bedroom.
Hooking the messenger bag over my shoulder, I wheel my luggage trolley out the bedroom, through the living room to the door.
I open the door and still when I find Victor with his knuckles raised in the air as if he was about to knock.
“Going somewhere?” He asks grimly.
I avert my eyes. “I am sorry, Victor. I have to go—”
“Can we talk for a minute before you go?”
My insides seize. What I did, ruined my image in his eyes. Why would he want to see me at all?
Whatever it is, I owe him this. He can unleash his disappointment on me.
I move aside and he walks in. Neither of us sits down. I keep standing by the door and he is facing me.
I don’t meet his probing eyes.
For several seconds, the silence continues. When it becomes uncomfortable, I speak. “I texted Brielle. She will give you the brooch later.” I say pathetically.