Page 177 of My Ruthless Opponent

“It’ll match with your wedding dress.” She chuckles and I tense some more, my body going rigid.

She covers my hand with hers. “Your secret is safe with me, Hannah.”

I don’t deny or try to sugarcoat the fact that I was having doubts about her.

Tomorrow is indeed a big day. I am a big ball of nerves just thinking about it.

She pats my hand. “I will never betray Raleigh.” She speaks those words with so much conviction that I believe her.

The waiter returns with our food.

She grins as the waiter sets our plates.

She lifts her burger and takes a big bite then groans as she leans back in her chair.

Swallowing the bite, she moves to her shake. Her eyes roll back when she tastes it, moaning around the straw.

The girl was really hungry.

How can Raleigh forget about her flight?

She devours her food with gusto and I take small bites of my fries.


I turn my head to see Brielle running toward me, Mia following behind her.

“You came back and didn’t even text me. We have been looking for you!” She gasps out as she halts by my chair.

“Slow down, guys. What’s up?”

“You forgot about your bachelorette party?” Mia says as she pants.

Oh. Yeah. It skipped my mind.

“Of course, I remember.” I lie. “But first, meet Summer, Raleigh’s friend.” I motion toward Summer who’s stuffing her face with handfuls of fries.

“MmHeyh” She tries to talk with her mouth full of food.

“Damn, girl you are so freaking pretty!” Brielle exclaims.

Summer chews fast then swallows before shooting her a big smile, “Thank you so much, so are you, um…”

“Brielle.” She supplies. “Love your eyes.” Brielle compliments her and then turns to me. “Don’t tell my girlfriend I said that.”

“I sure will,” I smirk.

Brielle gasps dramatically and I roll my eyes. “Pull up the chairs and sit.”

They grab the empty chairs and pull them to our table before sitting down.

“Why don’t you join us, Summer?” Mia asks before introducing herself, “I am Mia, by the way.”

“Thanks, Mia for the invite but I am beat. I have been on my feet for four hours straight. I do want to spend time with Hannah and you guys but I am dead tired.”

“Oh, what happened?” Brielle asks.

“I got lost and it took me hours to get here.” Summer sighs, cracking her neck.