He is right. That’s what I have learned through my experiences.
You need to push yourself into fighting your war because no one is going to fight it for you.
He tips my chin up with his fingers, his eyes roaming over my face. “You and I are indestructible. You know why?”
I shake my head.
“Because life broke us. It shattered us again and again and we built ourselves back up. Every time. You are strong, Hannah Lockwood. You were crippled by this world yet you didn’t back down. You gave your all and now you are going places.
“You are such a brave woman, Hannah. I was so wrong about you. I thought you are a spoiled brat who got this job as a favor. This is the first time I have been proved wrong, and I have never been happier. You can face anything. You are a good daughter, a great leader, and a compassionate human being. The power and will within you shine so brightly that you inspire everyone. In difficult times, you didn’t back down. You never let anyone know what you were going through. You don’t need anyone to help or support you because you are resilient. You can survive alone. And thrive.”
He leans down and presses his forehead to mine, his thumbs wiping my tears.
“But… even though youcando fine by yourself, I want to be there for you. You’ve been looking after your dad for so long. Now I want to be the one taking care of you. I want you to rely on me. I want you to know that you will never be alone in this cold dark world. You’ll always have me. Always.”
On a sob, I bury my head in his chest and hold him to me.
I love this man so much. He doesn’t hate me. He believes me. I was so scared to share my past. But as Archer said, I let him inside my heart, it was time I bared my soul to him. I did. And I don’t regret it. I feel free. I feel like I can breathe again.
I love you. The words are on the tip of my tongue but I stop myself from saying them.
He cares for me a lot. And the things he just said to me indicate that his feelings run deeper than care. But still, I don’t want to be the first one to say it.
It’s not because I believe that men should say the three words first. I am just… scared. I am not sure if he is there yet.
For me… he is the one. I know deep in my heart that I want to marry him. For real.
I just hope someday Raleigh can love me like I love him.
“Hand me one. You don’t have to carry all the bags.” I say as we walk toward the lobby of the resort.
Raleigh smirks at me. “I can carry youandthe bags while climbing the stairs to our suite effortlessly.”
I roll my eyes, trying not to smile. “Show off.”
Raleigh stops, faces me, and narrows his eyes. “Was that a challenge I hear behind your words, princess?”
I take a step toward him. “Maybe.”
There’s a wicked gleam in his eyes. I grab the lapels of his jacket and go on my tiptoes until my lips are an inch away from his.
“I know you can carry me in your muscular arms but…”
“But?” He breathes and my lips tingle.
With effort, I step away from him and walk ahead, swaying my hips.
I look over my shoulder and smirk when I find his eyes trained on my ass. “Are you fast enough to race me to the front desk in the lobby?”
“Huh?” He blinks at me and I laugh.
“Race, RJ. Front desk.” I run then.
I quicken my pace when I hear the pounding of his feet behind me.
I am laughing as I dash inside the lobby. I never thought my day would end like this, me giggling with Raleigh running after me.