The onslaught of dark memories starts to take over and I find myself on the floor with my back against the bed.
I bring my knees up and hug them, burying my head in my arms.
I feel my phone vibrating with an incoming text message.
This is a reminder. The reminder of how much in need of money I am.
The beauty of Maui made me forget why I agreed to come here in the first place. The promotion. Increment in pay.
I need the promotion to survive.
I rub my temples. Raleigh and I have an equal score right now. We both have one point. The wedding concept photoshoot will decide the winner.
All the forces against which I was constantly battling have united to suffocate me. I feel nauseous at my overwhelming situation.
Just when I start to feel happy, life decides to throw another curveball my way.
I look up and find Raleigh standing at the doorway of our bedroom, watching me.
He strides toward me; drops the bag he’s carrying and pulls me up.
When my legs almost give out, he sits on the bed and perches me on his lap.
My fingers curl into his t-shirt as I bury my face in the crook of his neck. He strokes my back.
When the sob threatens to break free, I bite my lip hard until I taste blood.
Curling into his lap, I break in silence.
I screw my lids tight, not letting a single tear escape.
Raleigh remains silent. Minutes pass or hours, I don’t know but his hand keeps caressing me, his lips brushing against my hair.
It is the second time he has found me in a vulnerable state.
Each time he has provided me his unwavering support. Without words, he calms me. I like that about him.
I am sure he has questions just like I had when he had a nightmare. But he doesn’t ask them. He lets me use his presence while I pick up the pieces.
After a while, when I feel like myself again, I pull back.
Unable to meet his eyes, I try to get off him. He tightens his arms around me.
“I need to use the bathroom,” I murmur.
“Bullshit.” His tone is soft.
I stare up at him.
“Are you okay?”
“No,” I whisper, my eyes closing.
He touches his forehead with mine.
“Are you upset because I won?”