I was surprised Raleigh insisted on taking a long stroll after dinner when he was the one wanting to return upstairs.
It was refreshing to spend time with him outside the bedroom. We ended up talking for hours. The conversation flowed with ease. Neither one of us ran out of topics.
I couldn’t stop myself from asking him about the ring. It was not a fake diamond. When I asked why did he spend his money on that ring, my question was met with silence and serious glaring.
I guess Raleigh does what he wants.
My gaze drops to my hand. I flex my fingers and revel in the way the ring looks on my finger.
“Girl, you have to stop staring at the ring and focus on us!” Brielle’s exasperated voice forces me to look up.
“Sorry,” I shoot her an apologetic smile.
“Holy Shit.” Brielle eyes Mia who’s sitting in her favorite seat of the sitting area. “She uttered theSword.” Brielle whispers and I roll my eyes.
“Love is behind every miracle. I am staring at one,” Brielle stares straight at me, which makes me snort.
She gasps. “Who are you and what have you done to my prim and proper boss.”
“What’s happening?” Archer saunters into the sitting area and takes a seat next to mine.
“Nothing new,” I tell him. “Brielle is procrastinating when she’s supposed to work.”
“Hey! I was here to know the results.”
“Which was announced ten minutes ago,” I smirk.
“I would’ve gone back to work if you’d agree to the bachelorette party!” She throws her hands.
Archer raises a brow. “You don’t want to party on the last day of your bachelorhood?”
“I was game until she mentioned male strippers.”
Archer's lips quirk in amusement. “You only live once, no?”
I gape at him. Brielle high-fives him.
“Archer, you’re so cool!” Brielle grins and Archer winks at her.
I shake my head. “Not happening.”
“But Raleigh is having a bachelor’s party and I heard there will be strippers.” Mia intervenes.
I still, my eyes flying her way.
Jealousy stirs in me. It twists my stomach in a knot, almost making me sick.
I am going to kill him.Andthe strippers.
Archer’s hand covers mine. “Easy,” Slowly he unfurls my fingers that were clenched tight in a fist. My palm has crescent moons marks from my fingernails.
I pull my hand from his and take my phone from the table, every intention of calling Raleigh when Mia jumps to her feet.
“Don’t be pissed, it was a joke.” Mia worries her lip, her fingers fidgety.
“What do you mean?” I snap.
“There’s no bachelor’s party. I-I was just m-messing with you.”