Page 158 of My Ruthless Opponent

His eyes heat at my words before he grips my thighs and fucks me until we are both out of breath.


Raleigh manipulated me into getting his Round One: Dreamy Date Concept photoshoot done before mine. I was supposed to go first but he lied about things and convinced me into moving his photoshoot before mine.

Now for Round Two: The Grand Proposal Concept photoshoot, Raleigh himself asked me and my team to go first.

Most of the day, we were holed up in our suite. After three hours of non-stop sex, we passed out. When we woke up, we had brunch in bed, naked.

When it was almost evening, we had to come out of our suite to make everyone believe that we are alive.

Our phones were blowing up with calls and messages but Raleigh and I were in our own world.

I was happy to see the light back in his eyes. His baby blues weren’t glacial anymore. And I can live with that for now.

I am nervous. Because Raleigh is finally going to see what I planned for Round Two.

After doing endless research, I decided to keep it simple. Just like how Mom and Dad taught me.

I chose a banquet hall to showcase the interior parts of Euphoria. I know Raleigh has chosen outdoors.

I don’t have jitters about who’s going to win anymore. I am nervous about how he’ll find the surprise.

It’s silly, right? That I am playing along. I am acting as if all this is real. It is indeed foolish. But I don’t stop myself.

I allow myself to enjoy these moments with Raleigh. Even though, they aren’t real.

I am standing outside the closed doors of the hall with Raleigh. We are about to enter. I slowly inhale then exhale.

“You nervous?” Raleigh cocks his head. He is looking so hot in gray pants and a black button-up shirt. His tattoos are on display as his sleeves are rolled up.

I scoff. “No.”Yes!I swipe at the imaginary lint on my dark red off-the-shoulder ruched long sleeve dress.

“There’s no need to be nervous, princess. You know I am going to say yes.” He smirks and I roll my eyes.

He takes a step forward and pulls me to his chest. He presses his lips to my ear. “You look fucking sexy.”

Raleigh pulls a stray strand of my short wavy hair and twirls it between his fingers. “Let’s get engaged officially.” He grins and pulls the door open.

We are met with darkness. I lift my palms and clap twice. Someone from my crew hits the light and the hall comes to view.

Huge MARRY ME marquee letters sits in the center of the hall. The bed of red roses lines the edges of the room with hundreds of red balloons touching the ceiling.

Red and warm tint lights are illuminating the room, painting everything around in the color of love.

I sneak a glance at him and find him taking in the décor with parted lips.

“Come.” I take his hand in mine and walk until we are standing in front of the MARRY ME sign.

The photographers who were waiting in the corner begin clicking pictures.

“Did you like it?” I ask.

“Love it. You have done a fantastic job, Hannah.” He smiles at me and I smile back.

Mia approaches me with a faux engagement box to pose with and we set to work.

He gets down on one knee, and I feign surprise.