Page 139 of My Ruthless Opponent

I lift my hand which was hanging by my side and stare at the blood which was now drying.

Raleigh’s gaze slide to my palm and his feet falter. The color drains from his face as he keeps staring at my wounds.

His breathing changes.

I startle when he begins to shake his head. A haunting shadow passes his blue orbs, making them look ominously black.

I watch in shock as he screws his eyes shut and faces away from the sight. His fingers trembling around me.

I lick my lips, trying to find my voice to talk to him when a figure rushes toward us.

“Raleigh?” I release a long breath at Archer’s voice. He looks at both of us. “What happened to her? She is bleeding.”

When Raleigh doesn’t respond, Archer grabs his shoulder.

After a few beats, Raleigh opens his eyes and stares at my gashes again. He is white as a sheet.

“Raleigh… I think you should let me carry her.” Archer’s suggestion snaps him out of his state of shock and he tightens his grip around me.

Hugging me close to his chest, he brushes his lips to my forehead.

“I need a doctor in my suite right this second,” Raleigh speaks loud enough for everyone to hear and then he is walking again.


I can’t take my eyes off Raleigh. He has some kind of phobia of blood. I can’t help but draw that conclusion when he paled at the sight of my blood.

He was in a state of shock. As if watching it triggered him.

When the doctor came, I offered him to wait in the living room.

He shook his head once and sat by my side on the bed with his arm around my shoulders. I felt his body going stiff whenever his eyes drifted down.

The doctor was removing the pieces of glass from my hands and knees, but it was Raleigh who was wincing instead of me.

He chewed the poor doctor out for being “too harsh” on me.

Archer and Brielle tried to convince Raleigh to leave the room but nothing could’ve moved the man beside me.

He did shut up after that. But kept glaring at the man in the white coat. I was relieved by the time he finished my dressing.

Raleigh looks down at me and tips his head as if asking why I can’t stop staring at him.

I shake my head. He calmed me earlier when I was having a panic attack. And endured seeing blood and my wounds to be there for me.

He could’ve left after seeing me calm and collected. But he chose to be with me. And that counts in my book.

He cares for me. After such a long time, I felt someone’s tenderness. It makes me want to hug him. Tightly.

And for the first time since we came here, Archer wasn’t looking at us with suspicion in his eyes.

When the doctor leaves, Raleigh stares at Archer. “Hannah needs to change and rest. If you guys don’t mind.” He pointedly looks at Brielle.

I elbow him. He hasn’t stopped glaring at her since she entered the room.

He didn’t say it out loud, but he is blaming her for my fall.

She gives me an apologetic look, mouthing sorry before leaving.