Thankfully, there’s only one man in the patrol car. I don’t need to inform Summer about it because her eyes are already trained on the rearview mirror.
“Follow my lead.” She murmurs, without looking at me.
“Hate to break it to you but I can’t read minds. You’ll have to explain whatever the fuck you meant by that.”
The cop steps out of his vehicle and walks toward us.
Placing one hand on the roof of the car, he leans down to peer in through the driver’s window.
“Driver’s License.” The officer gets right to the point.
Summer visibly shudders before fishing for it and handing it to him.
My eyes almost threaten to pop out with the way they are bulging. Summer is shaking. From fear? Am I dreaming?
She can never cower in front of anyone. It is one of the traits we have in common.
“You were going 50 miles per hour, Miss Donovan. Do you realize that’s over a speed limit? You need to step out of the car.” At his no-nonsense tone, she lowers her lashes.
“I-I realize my mistake, sir but I have to…” she gasps before making a choking sound.
My jaw drops when she starts crying.
Summer is crying and shaking over the possibility of getting a speeding ticket?
I scan my surroundings through the windshield and passenger window. Expecting a person with a camera to jump out from his hiding spot. Because this sure as fuck has to be a prank.
The officer who appears to be in his late twenties looks just as taken aback as I am.
“Ms. Donovan?”
“I am so sorry, officer. For this.” She waves at her tear-streaked face. She sniffles for good measure.
“I have to reach the hospital… I need to get there…” she looks at me then and winks.
“This is my brother, Raleigh. We were having a family dinner when we got the news that his wife, Hannah just fainted in her office.”
I grind my teeth.
“Your wife’s working on a Sunday?” he stares at me and I force myself to unclench my jaw.
“Hannah told me she was going to work tonight because she had to meet a deadline. Which is tomorrow.” I glare at Summer before getting into the act.
I cover my face with my hand. “I told her several times not to prioritize work so much but she’s a workaholic.”
Summer reaches over the console and drops her head on my shoulder, sobbing hard. “Don’t worry, brother. We’ll get there soon.”
She turns to the officer. “Right?”
The man in a black uniform looks flustered and confused.
She reaches for his hand that was gripping the window and flattens her palm over it.