Page 127 of My Ruthless Opponent

I walk up to him and plant myself beside him. “Well, just so you know, the pool is played by two people.” I tease.

“Go back to the party, Hannah.” Raleigh’s voice is colder.

I have seen him angry. I have witnessed him brutally reprimanding his interns. But even then, he was never so… closed off. So… apathetic.

The heat and the emotions I saw in his eyes earlier… where are they? Was that an act?

His icy demeanor stops me from asking him if he was all right. I know he will snap the moment I showed him an ounce of pity or concern. He will interpret it in the wrong way.

Well, fuck him.

I almost turn to leave but I peer at him again. Something is very wrong.

The idea of leaving him alone with his dark mood is not sitting well with me. I can’t leave. Even if that’s what I should do.

Just three days with him and he is already making me do things I wouldn’t do for anyone. Like staying when the person has clearly asked me to get the fuck out.

I should give him space. He has barely looked at me since I entered the hall. But sometimes, you don’t need space, you need someone to ask you if you are doing okay. You need someone to talk to.

Even if you don’t want to share your problems, you need some sort of distraction to stop the negativity to take control over you.

I know because I needed someone, too. But I never allowed myself to have one. At least, I can be there for him. I can be his distraction.

When he moves again and goes to stand opposite me for another shot, I bend with him. He is aiming for the side pocket.

Just when the ball was about to land in the pocket, I grab it.

“What the hell, Hannah?” He glares at me as he straightens, planting his stick to his side on the floor.

Keeping my gaze locked with his, I bend some more and slide the balls away, ruining his game totally.

He growls, abandons his cue, and rakes his fingers through his hair.

One barrier is penetrated and destroyed. One more to go. He can’t ignore me.

Smiling internally, I walk to him.

Forcing him to step back as I push myself between him and the pool table.

With hands over the edge, I hoist myself upon it. Reaching forward, I grab a fistful of his shirt and tug him to me.

The movement makes him tumble and he almost topples over me but his strong arms land on either side of me on the pool table.

He raises his eyebrow and I jerk him to me again. His chest collides with mine and I tingle all over.

I stare at his lips which are at a biting distance from my lips. “No one orders me around. If I want to be here then I’ll be right here. Got that?”

“Hannah—” I slam my lips to his, silencing him.

“Don’t talk,” I order after breaking the kiss.

“Listen—” One more kiss to shut him up again. Just like how he did yesterday by the pool.

“No, you listen, Raleigh. Don’t do this.” I slide my hand to his nape and massage it.

His hands go to my waist, his eyes falling shut. “Don’t be hard on yourself. You have two more rounds. You can do it.”

He slowly opens his eyes and stares at me with wonder. “You are consoling your opponent by saying there are two more rounds and that I can do it? Do you want me to defeat you, princess?”