Page 121 of My Ruthless Opponent

She is right. It’s the first time I didn’t feel like wearing my armor.

I have always used makeup as my crutch to look perfect and untouchable. In my head, I used to think under the layers of makeup I could hide my true emotions and identity.

But today, I didn’t feel like hiding anymore.

For the first time in a year, waking up and facing the world didn’t feel like a chore.

I was oddly happy. For the first time in a while, I smiled as soon as my eyes cracked open.

I didn’t know I was that transparent without my armor. Didn’t know I was under the scrutiny of so many people.

I had always thought acting cold toward them would ensure invisibility. After all, why would you want to pay attention to someone who’s ice cold all the time? But I was wrong.

“Maybe I was running late,” I murmur.

“Or maybe Raleigh fucked your brains out last night.” Brielle whispers and I blush beet red.

“Hey, we ain’t complaining. I totally dig the new sweet Hannah.” Brielle pinches my cheek. “We have to sign a petition addressing Raleigh to keep doing what he did last night.”

I clear my throat. “Enough.”

“Morning, ladies.” Chris plops on a seat to my right. “You okay, Hannah? You look… flushed.”

“Fine.” I snap and the girls burst out laughing. I can’t help but chuckle with them.

It’s odd, isn’t it? When you’re in a good mood, everything around you makes you happy.

Sex is a great way to relieve stress. Last night was supposed to be just that. An outlet to emit the tension that was brewing within me. But it felt more than that.

I saw something in his eyes last night. It was a contradiction from all the heated looks he had been giving me the entire day yesterday. It resembled fondness.

We were playing a dangerous game. Raleigh and I.

A game where I have a risk of losing everything. But I took what I wanted. And will continue to take it if it’s up to me. Consequences be damned.

I am uncertain of Raleigh’s feelings. I can’t judge just by his fleeting looks of adoration. But for me, I knew I was in trouble when he smiled at me last night.

There was no going back. I will never regret giving in to my desires for him.

I crave more and more of him now.

I couldn’t talk to him after last night. When I returned to our suite, Raleigh was fast asleep. His laptop and things were all around him on the bed.

He looked so worn out, so I decided not to disturb him. I pulled a blanket over his sleeping form and gathered his things and put them over the table before sleeping next to him.

When I woke up, Raleigh was nowhere to be seen. I was disappointed to find the bed empty.

But my disappointment quickly vanished when I found his handwritten note by the nightstand. He was thoughtful to inform me that he was with his team. I texted him ‘have a great day’.

Raleigh had also instructed the resort staff to send me breakfast in bed. Because a few minutes later I sent the text, I had room service knocking on the door. I loved that. A lot.

I was smiling the entire time I showered and got ready and came down here.

We’re waiting for the results. Surprisingly, I am not feeling any jitters. That proves how much I have strayed from my goal.

I have to keep my eyes on the prize. I remind myself.

I don’t want to burst the bubble I am in. But I also can’t stay in it forever. I’ll act tough from tomorrow. Today, I just want to enjoy the high.