“You mean I don’t look beautiful every day?” I cock a brow but don’t look up. When I am met with silence, I shift my gaze at her.
Brielle opens her mouth before closing, then does it again. “I meant you look radiant today.”
I am wearing a long black floral off the shoulders dress that has a slit that showcases my thigh.
I’ve pulled my bob into a half top bun. It’s nothing special. I’ve been dressing like this since we came here.
“Tell her, Mia.” She elbows Mia and she winces before nodding vigorously.
“You are glowing. That’s what I was telling her when we walked in here.” Mia smiles at me.
I regard her with a slight frown and Mia’s smile wobbles. I tilt my head to the side and stare at them before breaking into a laugh. Good long laughter.
“If you want a day off, you are not getting one. But I might arrange a small party for y’all if we win.” I grin at them before I resume typing.
Not even two minutes into it when I feel them staring at me again.
I look up and raise an eyebrow. “What now?”
Brielle glances at Mia before biting her lip, trying to suppress a smile.
I abandon the laptop and lean forward. “What’s so funny? I want to know. Are you guys planning to prank Chris again?” I grin.
Brielle’s smile morphs into gaping as her jaw practically drops on the floor. “How the hell do you know about our pranks?”
I smirk. “I know everything. Now tell me. I might participate in it if it’s good.”
They both look at each other then return their eyes to me. They repeat that three more times.
“All right, girl. You’re scaring the fuck outta me.” Brielle gives me a suspicious look.
“Are you okay?” Mia asks with round eyes.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I smile at them before picking up my coffee and taking a sip.
Brielle shakes her head in awe. “RJ must have a magic dick.”
I spray the mouthful of coffee I had just sipped all over my laptop.
“Shit.” Mia gets to her feet and gets me a box of tissues.
I alternate between glaring at Brielle and wiping my laptop.
“What the hell, Brielle?”
“I am sorry! I shouldn’t have said that out loud.” She glances at the team members who are walking toward us.
“You shouldn’t have said that. Period.” I snatch another tissue from the box and dab it at my mouth. I eye her curiously. “Why would you say that anyway?”
“I don’t know! You’ve been acting strange since last night. You are fucking grinning for starters. We can count on one hand the number of times you’ve done that.”
“You even agreed to help us prank Chris,” Mia says.
“The coffee! She swapped her beloved espresso for a latte!” Brielle adds.
“We arrived late and she didn’t yell at us.” Mia looks at Brielle with wide eyes.
“And the biggest shocker is, her face is free of makeup.” Brielle points out.