Page 36 of Out of Control

“That’s not a question. What do you want to know?”

“What do you know about your mother’s former employers?”

“I know she worked for Hirsch & Martin Accounting since before I was even born.”

“She did work for the Morelli crime syndicate.”

“Still not a question.”

“What do you know about her work?”

“I know that she had hundreds of clients with HMA since she worked there for so long. Why am I being interrogated for the Morellis poor decision in choosing an honest woman to do their accounting work?”

“An honest woman, huh?”

“Yes, she did the right thing. Always.”

“Or maybe you’re just a child putting her mother up on a pedestal. I have her name listed as the accountant on file for their books which were clearly cooked.”

“My mother was not a criminal.”

“So you say. You’re a criminal defense attorney. It’s your job to lie for them.”

“And is it your job to slander the dead? My mother is dead. Or have you forgotten?”

He calmed for a moment. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Wow, an apology. I might just fall over in shock. Two more minutes.”

This. This was exactly why I didn’t date, didn’t form attachments. I was just starting to feel sympathy for Lucas Blake because of his family, was beginning to think that he was a real person underneath everything, but then he did this. The lack of respect or trust in me was unbearable.

There was no point wishing for more from anyone, but especially not from him.

“Do you have any information to give me about Carlo or Angelo Morelli’s illegal business?”

It was my turn to pause. I’d promised him honesty, after all. “I don’t know anything. I could infer a hell of a lot, but I don’t have any irrefutable evidence that could clinch your case against them.” That’s exactly why I wanted on the inside: tofindthat irrefutable evidence.

“Do you believe that Leo Lombardi will come after you again?”

“No. One minute.”

“Why not?”

“I’ve told you before. He doesn’t know my real name. I gave him a nickname because he’s clearly a weirdo creeper and I didn’t want him to know my real name.”

“How do you think he came after you to attack you then? Twice now.”

“Pure coincidence. Both times were in public places.” Public places near where he had reason to be, so it was my own fault, really. I was an idiot for choosing to frequent a diner only a few blocks away from the Morelli & Morelli offices. “I have no reason to believe he will come after me again. And if you’re already compiling evidence against him for these charges, I bet he’ll be off the street sooner than later and you can stop feeling the burden of my life as a responsibility.”

“Do you really want me to leave?”

I looked at the clock. His time was up. I only promised to answer his questions truthfully for five minutes.

“No,” I told him honestly. He stood up and took two long strides until he was right in front of me, but I took a large step back, putting a hand out on his chest to stop him from coming closer. My other hand gripped my towel tightly. “No, I want you to leave and never come back.”

I saw the second his eyes hardened; I hadn’t noticed until then how soft they became when he looked at me. I almost felt bad for the lie.

But he was in the way, a distraction. I needed to get proof of the Morellis’ wrongdoing, and I couldn’t do that with a shadow over my shoulder. They still needed to pay for my wonderful, honest, beautiful mother’s death.