Page 140 of One Last Stand

She was hugging Boo, then showing her the ring as the door closed behind him.

“Moose. You didn’t say anything,” Shep said, walking over to him. He grabbed Moose’s hand, slapped him on the arm.

“I was waiting until we got the ring sized,” Moose said.

“I just picked it up,” Tillie said, coming over to him. She put her arms around his neck and then, in front of everyone, kissed him.

Oh. Well, then.

Just a short kiss, but that was enough right here, right now. “Can we get married tomorrow?”

She laughed, patted his cheek. “Absolutely.”

He held her in the circle of his arms. “I was thinking maybe . . . a party? At my place? Tonight.” Despite the pitch darkness outside, the night was still early, plenty of time for steaks on the grill.

“There’s a Blue Ox hockey game on tonight,” said Axel. “I recorded it.”

“I need to run home and check on my dog,” Shep said. “But if I can bring Caspian, then cool.”

“Aw, too bad Hazel isn’t here.” Tillie said. “She loves dogs.” She put her hands on Moose’s chest. “I dropped Hazel off at Roz’s. She never gets to see her anymore, what with my not needing Roz to babysit. How about if I pick up a pie?”

“I need to go home, shower, and change,” Boo said. “I’ll ask Oaken to pick me up. We’ll meet you there.”

“I can drive you,” Tillie said. She looked at Axel. “Thanks for the use of your wheels.”

“No problem, Til.”

“I’ll get my gear,” Boo said and went into the locker room.

Axel and Shep followed her, and Moose stood out in the foyer with Tillie. Pulled her back to himself and lowered his voice. “I wasn’t kidding about tomorrow.”

She put her hands on his chest, running them over his jumpsuit. “Give a girl a few days to find a dress.”

“You could get married in a burlap bag for all I care.” He kissed her again, this time slower, savoring her, drinking in the mystery of how suddenly the world seemed right and perfect, untouchable.

Boo came out of the locker room. “Whoops?—”

Tillie untangled herself from his embrace, laughing.


He could live forever in that laugh. Rare and beautiful. It wrapped around him and sent heat through him to his bones.

“C’mon,” Boo said, heading toward the door.

“See you at the house,” he said as they left.

Shep came out next, also holding his gear. “I’ll be there in an hour or so.”

“Perfect. I’ll get the steaks seasoned up.”

Shep left and Axel came out. “I called Flynn. She’s just finishing up her shift. Said she’d connect with Tillie and ride with them.” He clamped his hand on Moose’s shoulder. “We’ll call this an engagement party.”

“I can live with that,” Moose said. He went into the locker room, changed out of his jumpsuit. Came out to see Axel texting. “What’s up?”

“Flynn said that Dawson called her—has news about Tillie’s house fire.” He pocketed the phone. “Said she’d talk to us when she got there.” He picked up his bag. “Let’s go.”

They were walking out of the Tooth when a Porsche Cayenne pulled up. The window slid down.