Moose stared at Axel.
“While we were back in Copper Mountain, I called Flynn to check on Rigger. She did and discovered that just recently, a judge awarded him custody of Hazel. He swore out a complaint against Tillie for taking Hazel out of state. Flynn went to talk to her?—”
“To bring her in.” He held up a hand. “Just so they could figure out what was going on and?—”
“So Tillie is injail? Where is Hazel?”
“I don’t know, but Tillie’s not in jail.” Axel glanced at Shep. “Brace yourself, because she resisted arrest, attacked Flynn, and ran.”
Moose sat down. “Tillie took Hazel to protect her.”
“No doubt,” Axel said. “But if she’s noncustodial parent.”
“But Rigger isn’t her father, so how . . . how did he get custody?”
“Unless heisher father,” Axel said softly.
Silence around him. He met Axel’s eyes. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Tillie is her mother, and something feels off, very off here. Is Flynn hurt?”
“No,” Axel said. “Or, she didn’t say. But Tillie’s clearly in trouble?—”
Moose nodded. “Okay. Listen, you check on Flynn. I’m going to try to find Tillie. I’m sure that thiscan be figured out.”
Axel nodded, his mouth tight, what seemed like a little disbelief in his expression.
“I refuse to believe that Tillie is the criminal here. Sorry, but I met Rigger. This is not right.” He hit his feet.
“It doesn’t have to be right, Moose. But it’s the law.” Shep’s voice stayed calm, quiet.
Moose looked at him. “What’s better—to be on the side of the law, or to do what is right?”
“Let’s get all the facts first,” Axel said, stepping in. “I’ll find Flynn and we’ll do some digging.”
“Let me know if I can do anything,” Shep said.
Moose shut his locker, his gut churning. No wonder she hadn’t wanted to tell him the truth.
Boo had already left with London, and now Shep grabbed his backpack and headed out the door.
Axel was on the phone with Flynn. Moose walked into his office, glanced at the envelope, then picked up his truck keys and phone. No missed calls.
Tillie hadn’t even tried to get ahold of him.
“I’m heading over to Flynn’s place,” Axel said, pulling on his jacket. He paused. “I know you care about Tillie, but this is more trouble than you want. Just sayin’—you have a lot on your plate?—”
“I made her a promise.”
Axel sighed. “I know. But your promises are going to get you into trouble. You can’t save everyone. That’s not your job.”
“You don’t understand?—”
“I think I do, big bro. The fact is, you think you’re responsible for everything. And everyone. And I get that that’s the way you were made, but I think it’s more than that. I think you believe that if you don’t, then somehow you’re . . . I don’t know . . . failing. Or letting God down or . . .”
Ungrateful. Moose didn’t say it, but the wordlodged inside even as his jaw tightened. “I’ve been given a lot, Axel. I just want to honor that.”
Axel took a step toward him. “I know. But there is your portion, and there is God’s portion, and it seems like you’re having a hard time figuring out the difference.”