Moose shrugged. He simply preferred to take people as he met them. If London had secrets, let her.
They reached Fort Lauderdale, then turned east to Las Olas. Shadows turned the street dusky. The architecture here turned trendy, the houses white and ornate, most of them bumped up against wide canals, many with speedboats and even small motor yachts moored in their backyards.
Colt turned onto San Marco Drive and slowed as he headed down the street, past the multimillion-dollar mansions now lit up with floodlights.
Everyone went a little quiet.
“This is Rigger’s place,” said Axel and pointed to a three-story modern home that probably belonged in some fancy magazine.
“There’s no way she’s breaking in here to grab Hazel,” Shep said.
London leaned over him, staring out the window. “Take out that camera on the tree and the two lights on the patio in front and you get in through that upstairs window.”She pointed to the massive balcony. “Or you come in off the water, sneak in around the pool, kick out a few of the lawn lights, and go up the terrace. If she has parkour skills, she’s on the second-story patio in back, no problem.”
Moose just looked at her. “Have you lost your mind?”
She leaned back. “What? You said she was an Iron Maiden. Have you not seen that show?”
He shook his head.
“I downloaded her seasons on my phone, and while you guys were snoozing in Chicago, I watched them. Also managed to find a few interviews. She smashed a world record on the warped wall, and the most tandem pull-ups. She’s a rock star.”
“Of course she is,” Axel said and looked at Moose.
Yes. Of course she was, and the words reached in, took hold. “She is totally breaking in to get Hazel.” Silence, and he sat back. “And I guess we’re here to make sure she doesn’t get killed doing it.”
More silence.
“Moose. What are you thinking? I mean, we’re not spec ops,” said Axel.
“I am,” said Colt. He looked at Shep.
Shep’s mouth tightened. “Fine. I was a medic, attached to a Ranger unit.”
“And you were in the Coast Guard, Axe,” Moose said.
“That definitely doesn’t count,” said Colt.
“Hey!” Axel said. “Five minutes, man. I can hold my breath for five minutes.”
“Super not impressive,” Colt said. “Let me introduce you to my brother, Ranger.”
Axel shook his head.
London stayed strangely quiet. But she was studying the house. “There are two suits in the front, near the door. And one guy in the back. And they all look like thugs Rigger brought home from the gym.” She turned to Colt. “Youwere special ops?”
“And I know you have skills,” she said to Shep, and Moose raised an eyebrow.
“One if by land. Shep and Colt, you need to figure out a way to get inside the perimeter and assist her if she decides to exfil over the fence.” She looked at Axel. “Two if by sea. You think you can get in by water?”
“I have to get wet for this op?”
“Don’t be a baby. If she goes in the canal, you’re there to help with Hazel.”
She looked at Moose. “And you. What do you think about rescuing that little beauty up there?”
He looked to where she pointed.