Page 120 of One Last Promise

“You always give people your word, whether you say it or not, Moose,” said Axel. “But it’s not your word to give.”

Moose drew in a breath. “Come to me.”

He looked at Tillie, clutching the stuffed dog. “I can’t help but think I’m supposed to follow her.”


“Okay, then just ask us, man,” Shep said.

Moose looked at his team, at Shep and London, Boo and Axel, and even Oaken, and right then, it hit him.

He’d been so concerned about failing his team that he’d forgotten he was part of the team too. He carried their burdens, but . . . they also carried his.

“I know you don’t do asking for help, bro,” Axel said. “But ‘Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.’ Something Mom always says, right? It keeps coming back me.”

Moose nodded. “Yeah.” Idols, like his own pride. His word, his promises had become idols. Moose to the rescue.

He did have a savior complex.

And then his words to Tillie found him.“You have to be willing to be rescued. You can’t rescue yourself. And that starts with acknowledging that you need rescue.”

His team looked at him. “Fine. I . . . I could use some . . . help.”

“See, bro, that wasn’t so hard,” said Axel, his hand on Moose’s shoulder. He winked.

“As luck would have it, my mom has a place in Miami,” Oaken said.

Moose didn’t know why, but suddenly the terrible knot in his chest eased, and for a moment, he simply breathed.

And then Tillie and Flynn came walking out.

“I need to take her to the station for booking. And then . . .”

“And then we’ll see you in Florida,” Moose said.

Tillie looked upat him. Stopped. “No.”

He stilled.

“I’m not your responsibility anymore, Moose. Don’t follow me. This is goodbye.”


She turned and walked away.

It’ll be okay. This time, as he watched her go, he didn’t say the words.

But he meant them.

There were bigger things at stake than the fact that London had decided not to talk to him. But it felt big as Shep stood in the hangar this morning, waiting for Moose to show up.

He drove to the Tooth, his fight with London last night still in his head, pretty sure that he should have called her or shown up on her doorstep to rewind their conversation. . . .

“Stay. Away. From. Me.”

Yep, that was a pretty clear,don’t call me.” He’d gone back to his place and sat in the darkness overlooking the sound, the aloneness of his place thundering through him.

Along, of course, with Colt’s words.“I do know that she can’t go missing. And if she does, then we’re back at ground zero. So keep her close.”