“That makes sense. And it couldn’t accumulate value. What’s the cash value?”
“A what?”
He turned on Illiamna Avenue. “A cash value. Most whole life policies have a death benefit and a cash value. Who is the owner of the policy?”
She scanned the letter. “I think I am.”
“That Pearl. Smart.”
“What do you mean, smart? How am I supposed to pay Rigger back with a life insurance policy?”
He stopped at an intersection. “You use the payout from the cash value. And then, when Roz dies, you’ll also get the death benefit minus the cash value. How much is the death benefit?”
“It says it’s five hundred thousand, but?—”
“When was it taken out?”
“Three years ago, right before my sister died.”
He nodded. “It’s probably worth that or more by now with compound dividends.”
“But why put money in a policy in the first place?”
He pulled up to Lyn Ary Park, found a parking spot facing the baseball diamond. Turned to her. “Let me see it.”
She handed over the letter. He scanned it. Then he handed it back to her. “I think so that you would have bargaining power. The hundred grand is yours to access. And if you do, you can give it to him. But I guarantee it’s been growing in value over the past three years. My guess is that Pearl knew you’d have legal fees too.”
“What do youmean, legal fees?”
He looked up, past her, and she nearly left her skin when a rap sounded on the window.
A man with dark hair, smiling, wearing a jacket and a pair of hiking pants, stood at her door. “Who?—”
Moose rolled down his window and leaned over her. “Hey, Ridge.”
“This is my friend Tillie.”
“Tillie,” Ridge said. “Moose says you have a story to tell.” He held out his hand. She shook it, then turned her gaze to Moose.
“He’s my new lawyer.”
What?Her voice fell, whisper taut. “What have you done?”
His smile dimmed. “Tillie. Trust me.”
“Moose. What have youdone?”
“Tillie. He’s mylawyer. He’s not going to turn you in.”
“Moose told me a little of your situation on the phone this morning,” Ridge said, his hands in his pockets.
“And you’re going to need me, if the morning news is right.” Ridge pulled out his phone, then opened an app and showed them a video.
Julian Richer stood outside the Federal Building, with its creamy gray exterior, surrounded by reporters, and next to him, Flynn Turnquist.