Ryan was even more grateful she had arrived when things seemed to speed up. They were barely ready to go when the mid-wife told him to stand by Lucy and hold her hand while she delivered. As the contractions begin to hit her, she squeezed his hand harder and harder, grunting through the pain.

“Okay, here we go. Breath through the pain, Lucy and when I tell you to push, push and keep pushing until I tell you to stop.”

Things suddenly went from speeding up to what felt like slow motion to him and just as soon as he thought this was going to be endless, the mid-announced that she could see the first baby’s head.

“Okay, go ahead and push, Lucy. Just like they showed you in our classes.”

Lucy grunted and he felt her body tighten as she continued to clamp down so hard on his hand that it felt like she might actually break it.

“Almost there, Lucy. Take a breath and then push again.”

Lucy did what she said and suddenly the mid-wife was holding a baby in her arms. She smiled and then looked suddenly concerned.

“What? What’s wrong?’ Ryan demanded.

The mid-wife ignored him, addressing one of the assistants instead.

“Clip the cord and record the time. Boy 1, 6:36 p.m. Hurry, another one is coming now!”

It was like that, one after another.

“Boy 2, 6:38 p.m. Push, Lucy. Boy 3, 6:41 p.m. Push, Lucy. Boy 4, 6:45 p.m.”

Ryan smiled, looking at the assistants holding their boys. He wanted to hold one too, but Lucy looked exhausted and he didn’t want to let go of her hand through this. He was glad that it was over and she could rest now, but the mid-wife gasped.

“We’re not done people. We’ve got one more coming out.”

“What? There were only supposed to be four!” Ryan blurted.

“You want me to just leave this last one in?’ the mid-wife laughed, already positioning herself to deliver the last baby. “Okay, Lucy. We’re not done. Let’s get this one out too. Push for me.”

Ryan could feel Lucy’s hand shake as she pushed out the last baby and the doctor held it up for an assistant to take from her.

“Girl 1. 6:49 p.m.”

“Girl? Did you say girl?” Lucy managed to ask in an exhausted voice.

“Yes, she did,” Ryan said with a huge grin. “We got a bonus baby!”

Lucy smiled and closed her eyes.

“Alright Dad. Go help my assistants with those babies while I finish taking care of Lucy here.”

“You sure there aren’t any left in there, right?” he said.


Ryan nodded and went over to where the assistants had put the babies, all in one crib, after they had washed them off in the small tub they’d brought in with them. Once they were all cleaned and dressed, all in matching onesies that read “Raised by Wolves,” a gift from his Mom, the assistants helped him carry them all back over to Lucy and place the boys on her chest while Ryan held his daughter

“Say cheese,” one of them said, snapping a few photos of them with their new babies.

It wasn’t until later that Ryan realized his eyes were full of tears.

Four boys and one girl. Ryan brings her another onesie for the lone girl, one that says “Tiny Feminist.”

He tells her that he admires her gumption and wants a daughter just like her. Story ends.

A set of onesies that say, “Raised by Wolves.”



Exactly one year after the birth of their children, Lucy and Ryan finally stood in front of their friends and family and said their vows. They were surrounded by bridesmaids holding each of their children, but only one groomsman, Ryan’s now retired partner, Tate.

It had been a strange journey from the moment she had met Ryan Wilson, but Lucy felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. Ryan had recently transferred to a different division, a small precinct on the edge of the county known as “The Tomb” because it was so dead there. Lucy had questioned his request to be transferred there, fearing it would be too boring for him, but he told her they had dealt with what he’d joined the force to do.

She wasn’t about to complain about him being safer and home more to help with the kids, especially since she now had time to start her own graphic design business, setting up an office at home and working on building up her clients while the children were napping in the day, sleeping at night or being tended by Ryan. It wasn’t the high-profile corporate work she’d once thought she might enjoy, but she was becoming a self-made woman and she couldn’t help but believe that was better than serving some office overlords with no vision.

A small face appeared outside her door, attached to the upper body of Rebecca, the surprise daughter she never knew she could love so much.