She waited for him to pull free, but he didn’t instead collapsing against her and laying his head softly against her back. He remained there as the knot remained. She could still feel it inside and couldn’t pull away from it. When she tried to wiggle free, he let out a yowl of pain.

“Don’t move, Lucy. Not yet.”

“What is happening? Are we stuck?”

“For now. It will pass in a moment.”

“I don’t understand,” she said, her face pressed down onto the bed, unable to look back at him.

“I don’t really either. This has never happened to me before, but I’ve heard about it from others. You’re in heat and my body has responded by going into rut. Just relax and the knot will ease in a minute so we can separate.”

Lucy wanted to ask more questions but didn’t want to seem more ignorant about her own biological functions than she already was. Instead, she lay beneath him, bewildered and at his mercy until his body released her own.

“There,” he said finally, but he didn’t need to, she felt the knot dissolve as he began to pull free of her, his cock dripping with the sheer amount of cum the two of them had produced.

He climbed onto the bed beside her and leaned on one elbow beside her, looking at her softly.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“A bit, but I wanted it, all of it. That was crazy and I can feel the urge coming right back, building up in side me.”

“No one has ever told you about this?”

“No. I mean, I’ve heard about people being in heat or rut, but I just thought it meant they were horny. It’s never happened to me before.”

“There is no reason it would. It only happens between true mates.”

“But this isn’t the first time we’ve had sex. Why has it not happened before?”

“I don’t know. It has something to do with moons, calendars, the alignment of the universe and hour bodies syncing into some cycle. I don’t understand all of that either. What I do know about it is that when it happens, it is because you are natures selected mates.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that we were destined for one another and this is nature’s way of confirming it, I guess.”

“Do you believe that?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t before, but now . . . maybe. I have no reason not to believe it. It only shows me that I chose wisely.”

“So, it was a one-time thing?”

“Nope. Now that it has happened once, it will happen again each month.”

‘That’s definitely going to be our selected date night,” she laughed.

“Selected date weekend,” he corrected.


“It lasts several days. We’re going to be all over one another without any control over our animal urges for three, maybe four days.”

“I won’t be able to walk after three days of what we just did.”

“Me either,” he laughed.

“Maybe that is just a rumor. We seemed to have calmed down now.”

“Have we?”

“Yes. I mean, we aren’t pounding one another like maniacs right this moment.”

“We’re just in a cooldown period. Give it a while.”

“We better eat something then. We’re going to need our strength.”

“Yes, we will.”

Lucy halfway thought he might be pulling her leg, but she realized something else. The only thought in her head right now was of him, of them. She could think of nothing other than having him inside of her again and making sure she was close to him, always. It was if her affection for him was on steroids and already, she could feel her desire for him creeping back in.

His scent was intoxicating every time he grew close to her. He leaned down to kiss her as they walked naked into the pantry to find food and it felt like pure fire in her belly. Everything suddenly made sense to her. He was the Alpha and she was the Omega. He was the beginning and she was the end. They were brought together not by some silly dating app, but by the universe.

If you’d told her something like that before what she had just experienced with him, she’d have laughed it off as just ridiculous fairy tale fodder, but it was hard to deny after what she’d just felt. It went well beyond the act of having crazed sex. There was a much deeper feeling of need that was off the charts. The next few days were gong to be a wild ride and she couldn’t wait to go again.CHAPTER EIGHTEENRyan

Several days passed with no news from the outside, but Ryan wasn’t looking for any. In his current state, he’d be happy enough just to stay here fucking like rabid dogs with Lucy for the rest of his life. He’d never experienced anything like it. The passion was off the charts, the intensity almost too much to take.