I propelled my whole body forward so my mouth was right next to his ear to scream much louder than before, “Let me go, Crosby!”
Crosby flinched back at my deafening scream, but he kept a tight grip on my wrists. I took advantage of the momentary distraction to push him off me, but instead of tumbling back like I had hoped he would, Crosby barely moved.
“I’ve never hated someone as much as I hate you, Astrid,” Crosby spat, glaring darkly at me.
He reached for me again, but instead of trying to restrain me or force his hand under my skirt again, he pushed hard against my shoulders and sent me flying back into the water.
A high-pitched, fearful scream ripped through from deep within my chest, deathly afraid, but the sound was muted when my head broke through the top barrier of the water. I kicked my legs out, desperately trying to swim up to the surface because I knew I wouldn’t survive if I remained underwater for too long.
Damn me for not taking Viktor up on those swimming lessons!
With all the strength I could muster, my head made it above water, but the rest of my body was weak. I was a wet, sputtering mess as I called out, “Help! Help! Crosby, please help me!”
Crosby watched me flail about in the water, the boat now several feet away, with dull, lifeless eyes.
It was almost as if he wasn’t all there as he watched me drown.
Iwas drowning.
The water seeped into my lungs, and my body ached as I desperately tried to keep my head above water, but it was so difficult. It took so much strength and willpower–both of which I felt like I didn’t have right now.
The more time that passed, the more sure I became that I wouldn’t make it out of the water alive.
This was where I was going to die.
I could feel it. Death. Seeping into my body through my nose and lungs, slowly taking me away from Viktor and Kis.
I tried to fight, kick, and swim back up to the surface, but I could feel myself sinking lower and lower as if something was pulling me deeper into the water. I tried to keep my eyes open, but my body failed me.
People said that their lives flashed in front of their eyes when they were on the verge of death, but all I could think about was all the things I had yet to do. Viktor and I hadn’t experienced life on land properly yet. We hadn’t spent enough mornings laying in and just talking. We were yet to celebrate big moments like an anniversary or the birth of our first child. There was still somuch more sex and love for us to have. Things were still so new between us that we hadn’t even had a proper argument yet!
There was still so much more for Viktor and me to do…so much more of him to learn and love, but time had been robbed from us.From me.
My heart ached at what Viktor would go through when Jerrik returned to The Serpent with the terrible news.
I couldn’t formulate any coherent thoughts after that. My mind became jumbled, and I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t fight the sea anymore as it sucked me deeper and deeper.
My lips turned up at the corners as I thought of my love, my husband, my pirate, my Viktor…
It was a beautiful way to go.
“Astrid!”I heard someone call out, and a hand grasped my shoulder, shaking me frantically. “Astrid!”
I groaned and shifted my head. Something pressed down on my chest, and I felt myself surge forward. My body forced itself into a sitting position, and I threw up water over the side of the boat.
My chest ached, and I spluttered water everywhere. It was disgusting and far from attractive, but I was too far gone to care.
I placed my hands on either side of the boat, trying to steady myself and gather my bearings.
“Can you hear me, Astrid?” The same voice from before called out to me again, but I was still coughing haphazardly.
“Jerrik?” I croaked, my breathing rapid. “What happened?”
Jerrik ignored my question. “How are you feeling, Astrid?” He asked, his eyes wide, frantic and concerned as he stared at me.
“A little rough,” I admitted in a small, croaky voice. My chest burned when I spoke, but I was just grateful to be alive right now. “What happened?”