“Do we switch to a new host now after all the work is done or do we try to recover this one and switch next month?” I ask the question into the void, not really expecting an answer from Fin or the void, to be honest.
“If there is a chance to recover, I think we should try,” Fin answers. “I can’t bear the thought of doing all of that again in the next thirty-six hours.”
I nod in agreement, but I’m at a loss as to what to do. I do a quick Google search and scour a few forums while sucking down my cold brew, but still nothing.
“Does Liam run the website for Redpoint?” Fin asks several minutes later after doing her own search for answers.
Just the sound of his name sends a rush of tingles through me, and I feel as if a light turns on inside my chest. I love him and I’m pretty damn sure he feels the same way. And whatever I thought was love before this, can’t touch it, because this? This is exquisitely delicious.
Fin’s eyes widen. “Well, I would very much like to dissect that smile on your face right now, but we have work to do.”
I shake my head and try to clear the thought of him telling me I have a lifetime lease on his heart. Clearing my throat, I answer. “No, Elliot does. He’d help. Great idea, Fin.”
Her eyes brighten and she tries to hide her smile behind her coffee. “Right?”
Laughing, I text Liam.
The smile that I had when I saw Marley’s name in my text window quickly turns to a frown as I read about her website issues. It deepens further when she asks if Elliot might help because he just so happens to be in Aspen scoping out the new franchise location.
Fuck me, but it feels like I’m letting her down when I tell her.
Trace wanders by my office at that moment. “What’s up chief? Why the frown?”
I chew on my bottom lip. “Marley and Fin’s website went down, and they are supposed to have the newspaper up by Monday. They’ve lost everything. No humans available on the weekend at the hosting site.”
“They need a new hosting site,” Trace answers quickly. “But that doesn’t help them right now. I’ve done a little dabbling with websites…” He looks at me as if asking for my permission to help them.
“What do you mean by dabble?”
He shrugs, “I have an bachelor’s degree in information technology, and I run a few websites for friends from my hosting site.”
I do what amounts to a double take. “I’m sorry, what? How? You’re here all the time.”
He shrugs and gives a smile I can only call boyish. “Eh, I do a lot of things.”
I stare at him for a moment, feeling like I’m seeing him in a whole new light. “Well, go, go help them.” I make a shooing motion with my hands. “Now.”
He points to the bar over his shoulder, “What about my shift.”
“I’ll cover the bar. Just get out of here and go help my girl.”
The lift of a single eyebrow on Trace’s face makes me wish I could take the last part back, but I own it. Marley is mine, and I like it that way.
“And Fin,” he answers.
“Of course, Fin too.”
I see a hope in his eyes where Fin is concerned that makes his eagerness a little more understandable—poor kid. I don’t know how to tell him, but Fin has dated actual movie stars and models. “All right, I’m out. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Thank you.”
The very moment he’s gone, I send Marley a text and Gus’ head appears in my office.
“So Marley is ‘My Girl’ now?”