Page 28 of Persuading Liam

He gazes at me for a moment, his eyes falling to my lips, and just as I’m about to say something—I don’t know what—he kisses me. Deep and desperate, but quick and when he pulls away, I have to grip the counter to keep from losing my balance. My breath is so shallow, I feel like I’m the one who just ran a marathon.

He flashes a small, sexy smile and I think I might have stood there for an eternity gazing at him if he didn’t tuck my hair behind my ear and say, “You should go to work.”

I nod but don’t move. I’m afraid this moment will end and I’ll go another three days without seeing him.

“I uh,” he runs a hand through his hair. “I’m thinking of making dinner tonight if you’d want to join me.”

I feel my mouth open in surprise or disbelief, I’m not sure. Is this like a date? Is this meaningful? It feels meaningful… “Uh yeah,” I manage to get out after far too long. “That would be nice.”

He grins and steps to the side. “You really should get to work.”

“Right,” I answer, still not moving. My brain feels empty yet electrified all at the same time—as if all my synapses are firing at the same time, overloading the motherboard. “Work.”

Eventually the wires connect and I remember that I was in a hurry. “See you tonight.”

Still grinning, he nods. “See you tonight, Marley.”

I leave the apartment feeling weightless.

I groanwhen I see Fin waiting patiently for me at the door of the Post. This was what I was trying to avoid, but I do notice that she’s toned down the height of her heels. Instead of the knee-length dress she had on the day before, she’s wearing a gorgeous pair of wool slacks that look impossibly chic and much better suited to a day of sorting old paper on a printing room floor.

She brightens when she sees me and gives a little wave. “Good morning, Marley.”

I can’t help but smile back, even though my brain is probably only working, at best, on fifteen-percent power. Liam’s second kiss seems to have permanently crossed some wires. “Good morning, Fin. How are you?”

“Ready to work,” she says, shifting her purse—this time a rich navy velvet that matches her slacks—to her other hand. “I found some of the most interesting old articles about Paintbrush yesterday,” she gushes as I turn the key in the lock. “I was wondering if I could start to make a collection, maybe we could do a section in the paper each week highlighting the town’s history.”

My mind starts to fire up immediately. “I think that would be perfect,” I answer honestly.

“Really?” She asks as we shuffle inside.

“Absolutely. Pull anything you think might make a good feature and make a file. It can be your baby.”

Fin’s eyes brighten and I can see that she really feels passionate about this project. All the worries I had about having to babysit her vanish into thin air and I learn a little lesson aboutnot judging a book by its designer cover. “Thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity.”

“Well, it’s a great idea,” I assure her. “So, thankyou.”

She grins and takes off her waist-length peacoat before scanning me with her eyes. “You look different this morning,” she mentions, narrowing her eyes as if it will help her see the change. “Your skin is all glowy.” She leans in with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. “Want to tell me about it?”

I can feel the heat climb my neck and settle into my cheeks. “I don’t know what you mean,” I lie as my flesh settles into a happy burn. Just the thought of Liam kissing me brings a smile to my lips and Fin squeals.

“You little liar.” She puts her hands on her hips. “Well, whoever put that red in your cheeks, I’m happy for you both. And you can talk to me about it if you ever want to.”

I can’t help but smile now. “Thank you.” And even though Fin is ten-plus years my junior, I almost spill the fact that I think we have a date tonight. Or dinner. Or just a typical night at home. But the point is, Liam made it clear that this time, we were going to see each other.

And that is enough to keep the smile on my face for the rest of the day.



When I went on my run this morning, I fully intended on working out the last bits of my desire for Marley but when I got five miles in I came to a complete stop as something Max said finally sunk in. This whole thing isn’t up to me. I need to find out what Marley wants, if anything, and try to understand at least how she feels.

I figured I’d make us dinner, we could talk a bit more, and see what happens—kissing, no kissing,more than kissing. I made a promise that I’d let her lead. But the second I saw her in the kitchen, all of that went out the window.

It felt like a magnet in my chest pulled me right to her and I still don’t remember making the decision to kiss her again. In fact, I don’t think anything could have stopped me short of a chasm opening up and swallowing us whole.

Once I had her in my hands again, my body singing from head to toe, her gorgeous peridot eyes blinking up at me, I knew the truth.