“What? What do you mean?” she said, the question not registering.

“Your name. Your real name. The agency said it was best that I do not know, so that I never had cause to expose it to anyone. I think that ship has sailed now and I want to know your real name.”

“It’s Leslie Rollins. That is my real name. Whoever I was before you found me, I’m not that person anymore. She no longer exists.”

“You don’t want to go back to being who you used to be before you had to hide? Things are out in the open now. You can take back your name. You can take back your children’s names.”

“No. I prefer to just stay who I am now.”

“Okay, then. I can understand that.”

She nodded, but then, as an afterthought, and perhaps in the light of full disclosure, she added, “That woman. Her name was Constance. Constance Marie Michaels.”

Tucker nodded but did not repeat the name. Instead, he climbed out of the car and ran around to help her out of her side. She was only just over a week from her due date, and huge with the babies, making it harder to get around than under normal circumstances.

Inside, their moods were a bit more lighthearted as they relieved Marla from the girls, taking them to the massive den to play with. The three children giggled happily, alternately crawling and walking in small bursts as they had been learning to do in the past weeks. They were oblivious to the events of the day before. Their lives went on unchanged. Someday, she would have to decide if she told them the truth about who they were, where they had come from. She wasn’t sure if that truth mattered or ever would. For now, they were unconcerned and content. It was both funny and unnerving to see them wobbling all over the place before crashing to the floor again.

If nothing else, it took some of their focus away from what they might be dealing with once the council decided about the information they had given them earlier in the day. Leslie was doing her best to maintain her peace, despite the turmoil surrounding their life at the moment. The last thing she needed was to go into early labor in the middle of dealing with this.

They sat down to a meal of spaghetti and meatballs, the girls’ share chopped up into bite size sections, which ended up all over them, including in their hair as they abandoned their small plastic child flatware to eat with their hands.

“We may need a hose to clean up after them,” Tucker said with a laugh.

“I’m sorry,” said the cook, standing nearby to finish clearing away some of the cooking utensils. “Perhaps I should have fed them something else.”

“Oh, no. Of course not. It’s just funny,” Tucker said with a wave of this hand.

She nodded and returned to rinsing dishes to place in the dishwasher. When they finished, they gathered up the messy trio and took them to the massive garden tub in the master bedroom to clean them up. They splashed about in the bubble bath Leslie had drawn, enjoying themselves as Leslie sat on the side of the tub, while Tucker got down on his knees to wash their hair and clean them with a soapy washcloth. Leslie smiled down at them. They were happy, despite some bad events. She desperately hoped they stayed that way.

Once they were settled in, she and Tucker returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess they had left behind. The cook protested, but they waved her off. It wasn’t her job to clean up after the girls, and they were always careful not to take advantage of good help.CHAPTER THIRTY-TWOThat night, they clung to one another in the darkness of their room. Tomorrow might prove to be another long day and they found some solace in one another, Tucker taking his time and being extremely gentle with her as he emptied her full breasts, softly fingering her clit as he drank her dry.

Gently, he turned his head so that his cheek laid flat against her, reaching down to part her pink folds with his fingers, toying with her, teasing her. Her muscles moved softly as he quickly brought her to orgasm. It was so effortless for him now. She was putty in his hands, literally.

“I want you in my mouth,” she told him, feeling an overwhelming urge to taste him.

“Your wish is my command,” he said playfully, moving away from her.

He positioned himself against the headboard, his legs splayed open, offering himself up to her to do as she pleased.

She took her position between them, looking up at him as she slowly swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock.

He moaned in approval, closing his eyes for a second before opening them again to watch her. Slowly, she slid her mouth downward, her tongue flicking back and forth across the veins that popped out along the sides of his massive cock. He was more than a mouthful, but she was determined to get him rock-hard and swallow him whole.