Page 82 of Untouchable Player

“Was this before or after he finger fucked you?”

“Don’t say it like that. And it was before.”

“Why? What’s wrong with saying finger fucked? We’ve all done it. I personally don’t see the appeal, but then maybe I’ve been putting the fingers in the wrong place.”

I snort.

“If he’s saying he’s gay, then he’ll have to date a guy, but do you think he’s ready, to be out about it I mean?”

“That’s the thing, I don’t know.”

Katie looks down at her coffee, “do you think you’re falling for him?”

“What? No.”

“Why not?”

I shrug. “He’s nice, really nice, and he’s hot, and I love the all the sex stuff and he’s really good at it…”


“But we’re not compatible long-term.”

“Why not?”

“He’s a hockey player and I’m a nerd.”

“Oh god,” Katie rolls her eyes, “this isn’t the third grade. I thought he wasn’t even playing hockey next year.”

“No, but, he’ll never…” I stop myself, it sounds pretentious and elitist even in my own head.

“What? he’ll never be an academic?”

My face flushes, “I just always pictured myself with someone… like me.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s just lust. This is the first time I’ve ever had sex with someone, so of course I’m going to get carried away. We both know where we stand and I’m glad I did thiswith Jesse, because he’s made me feel at ease and now I’m more confident with this stuff.”

“You’re sure Jesse knows where he stands?”

“Yes. We were very clear what this was. He was going to… tutor me.”

“In sex.”


“Okay, well if you’re sure.”

“I am.”


Me and Jones sit on one side of the bus and Coach sits on the other, talking to someone on his phone.

I ask Jones if he’s done one of these things before.

“A few.”