Page 57 of Untouchable Player

“Obviously. We’ll keep that strictly over text and in private.”

I gave her the PG-rated version of what happened in my room yesterday and she hasn’t stopped grinning since. I don’t think even I’m as invested in my sex life as she is.

The announcer comes out and starts riling up the crowd and I can’t believe I forgot hownoisyhockey is. Katie’s into soccer and tennis and, watching it on TV at least, is peaceful compared to this. It’s like they can’t handle a second of silence. Between every goal and change over there’s music blasting through the speakers. Horns, whistles, shouting, the clack of sticks on ice and other sticks, shouting, bodies banging against plexiglass.

The teams skate out and I see Jesse in his maroon jersey with the college logo in white across his chest. I think about that stupid mascot tattoo on Jesse’s arm while he jerked me off and take a sip of beer, hoping no one can see how red I’ve gone.

They sing the national anthem and I can’t help but smile at Jesse mouthing the words so earnestly.

The game starts so fast, it’s hard to keep up. I can only really keep track of Jesse because I can read his name across his back on his jersey. One hand job and I’m thinking about wearing that jersey, like I’m suddenly his biggest fan or some kind of puck bunny.

My phone buzzes and I have a text from Katie saying, ‘you-know-who looks hot in that Pilsbury dough boy costume ;-)’

I bark a laug and my mom gives me a suspicious glance.

‘You don’t think it’s sexy?’I reply

‘Oh, I didn’t say that. I had many a sexual fantasy involving the Pilsbury dough boy as a young girl.’

Mom catches me chuckling to myself and tries to peer over my shoulder to see what I’m laughing at, but I put my phone back in my pocket quickly.

I always though hockey was aggressive, but I never really cared that they were bashing each other into the boards and trying to trip each other over and occasionally punch each other in the face until now.

At one point Jesse bashes another player into the boards and I nearly jump out of my seat.

My dad is clapping and someone behind me shouts, “get him Engels!”

Katie leans in and says, “he’sstrong.”

Yeah, lift you onto a tumble dryer to kiss you at a party strong.

When Jesse skates off the ice, I watch the back of his head on the bench, which isn’t easy and doesn’t exactly make sense seeing as he’s wearing a helmet.

The team are talking and laughing together on the bench until the coach comes over and starts giving them instructions.

Denver score a goal just before the end of first period and for once, I actually care if the team wins. Not that I never cared about Harrison’s career before. It’s just that I always knew he’d be okay whatever the score.

When Katie says she’s going to the bathroom, mom jumps up and says she’ll go with her and I’m left alone with my dad.

He puts his arm across the place where my mom was just sitting and taps his hand along to the beat ofWe Will Rock You.

“It’s nice to see you at your brother’s game.”

I bite back the urge to say something nasty.

“I know your mom appreciates you being here.”

Some girls are doing a skate cheer thing on the ice and we watch them absently, my dad probably wracking his brains for something to say.

“Katie’s nice.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

Dad laughs, “Nate, I know you’re gay. You’re still gay right?”

I cock my head in a gesture I hope he catches asreally?

“I mean, obviously you’re still… oh here’s the girls back.”