Page 50 of Untouchable Player

I call my dad back while I wait for the bus.Let’s just get this over with.

The conversation’s going okay until I dare to yawn.

“Were you out drinking last night?”

“No Dad, why is that the first thing you think if I’m tired?”

“Are you getting enough sleep?”


“You’re not staying up playing on the PlayStation all night? An athlete needs plenty of rest.”

If I said Harrison Jones, college hockey superstar and first round draft pick, stays up some nights playingGTAuntil 3am,my life wouldn’t be worth living. I could probably recite the exactlecture from my dad’s practised hockey-dad verse book by heart. I’m not Harrison Jones. I can’t afford to slack off. I don’t have the natural talent Jones has. I didn’t grow up with the resources Jones did. Jones was handed everything on a golden hockey stick…

“No Dad, I’m not staying up playing PlayStation.”

“Don’t give me that sarcasm boy, I can hear it.”

I swallow and look down the street for my bus, where the fuck is it?

“You might be college-educated now, but that doesn’t make you smart.”

“I know dad. I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. I was just tired because we had bag skates.”

“Have you been eating right?”

Nope. “Yeah.”

“Protein? Cutting back on the beer and pizza and all that shit?”


“So then, bag skates shouldn’t bother you.”

Bag skates bother NHL players, but I’m not about to argue with him when he’s in this mood.

If I say nothing, he’s going to ask why I’m ignoring him, but if I sayyes sirhe’s going to accuse me of sarcasm.

“I’ll work harder,” I try.

He sighs. “What are you doing now?”

“Going to the library to get some books.”

“You should be going to the gym to work out. Your size is what sets you apart.”

“If I don’t keep my C grade average, I won’t be playing hockey at all.”Shit. The silence speaks volumes.

“Are you failing your classes?”

“No, I’m not failing, but I will be if I don’t keep up.”


Phew.Bullet dodged.

“Go study, but don’t slack on the work-outs, and get plenty of sleep.”