Page 41 of Untouchable Player

“I’m sorry. I saw you coming down here…”

“I was looking for beer in the washing machine,” I admit. He laughs, his chipped tooth showing. God he looks good in a clean white t-shirt and jeans.

“Find any?”

I shake my head and he comes close enough to peer over my shoulder into the drum.

He smells so good. And this close, I can make out the shape of his chest through his t-shirt. The definition of the pecs I jerked off thinking about. The veins running down his arms, and the slight stubble on his chin.

I stand on tip-toes and plant a clumsy kiss just left of his lips. I had been aiming for his mouth. I expect him to laugh or push me away or step back and pretend nothing happened. But when he looks down at me, there’s fire in his eyes, and before I can open my mouth to apologise, he’s leaning down and pressing his mouth against mine.

I push softly against his chest just to feel the shape of him. His skin is giving off this heat and I can feel his heart pounding against the palm of my hand. He shuffles closer and I take a half step back until I’m pressed against the dryer. Jesse’s tongue strokes a cautious path into my mouth and I moan. My hands gripping his neck. When he presses his hips against me, he’s hard.

He pulls away, only to lift me up onto the dryer.Holy shit.

He’s about to dive back in when he pauses.

“Fuck,” he says.


“You’re drunk.”

“No, I’m not, I’ve only had like, three or four beers.”

“Three or four beers is plenty for you, you’re tiny.”

He might as well have laughed in my face. Tiny is not a compliment to guys like Jesse. Actually, I don’t know a single man who would take being called ‘tiny’ as a compliment.

“Hey,” Jesse puts his hand on my face and guides it until I’m looking at him.


“No, I’m tiny.”

He smiles. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He blushes and looks down, “and your brother’ll kill me if he finds out about this.”

Jesse lifts me off the dryer before stepping back.

“Come on, let’s go back upstairs.”

I pull his hand, even though he’s a lot stronger than me, he lets me stop him.

“I don’t want to go back to the party.”

“Why not?”

“Katie’s talking to some guy and I don’t want to be a third wheel again.”

He purses his lips. “What do you want to do?”

I glance back at the dryer and yeah I must be drunk because I’m not praying for a hole to swallow me up… yet. Jesse laughs.

“Nate, fuck.” He drags a hand over his face. “Do you want me to take you home?”

My face must give away my surprise, because he laughs again and says, “not like that, I mean… do you want me to give you a ride?”

“Haven’t you been drinking?”