“How did you get here?”
“My mom insisted my dad drive us down here the second she saw you go down on the ice.” That image still spins around in my head, making me shiver, even though Jesse is sitting right here now and despite a slight green tinge and a sore head, he’s fine.
“Your mom did that? For me?”
“Of course she did.”
“I’m glad you’re here, sorry about all the puke, who knew concussions made you feel this shit?”
I laugh and take a careful seat on the edge of the bed.
“You can get in with me if you want.”
“How many of those painkillers did they give you again?”
Jesse laughs and winces, “not enough.”
“Has someone called your parents?”
“Yeah, I think the doctor did, they’re trying to get down here, but I told them they don’t need to.”
I stiffen at the thought of meeting Jesse’s parents like this. But of course they’re going to drive right down here. If my mom was worried, I can’t even imagine how his mom must be feeling.
“This is gonna make my dad not want Sam to play even more.”
“Don’t worry about that.”
“She looks up to me, and I keep telling Dad it’s not too dangerous for her.”
“I’m sure she can make her own mind up, your dad will just have to deal with it.”
Jesse gives a very careful nod. He looks like he’s getting used to the fact that his head hurts when he moves it. I wish I could make it better for him.
“Maybe your dad will be more understanding when you tell him you’re not playing hockey next year?”
Jesse snorts. “I doubt it. He’ll tell me this is just part of the job. A worthy sacrifice for a few brain cells. Didn’t have many to begin with.”
“Don’t say that, it’s not true.”
Jesse smiles. “I love you.”
I bend down and kiss him, “I love you, so fucking much.”
He beams.
When he glances behind me his smile disappears. Grip tightening on my hand.
When I turn around, a man and woman are walking fast towards the room.
“Is that your mom and dad?”
I try to let go of Jesse’s hand, but he holds it tighter. “Please stay.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this now? You’re concussed and on painkillers?”
“I’m sure, just please stay with me.”