“How old is your brother?”
“And is he consenting?”
Jones crosses his arms.
“You’re the captain,” Coach says, “you don’t start conflicts within the team…”
“but Coach…”
“No buts, it’s your job to build up team moral, not cause an atmosphere, do you understand?”
Jones sets his jaw before giving a brisk nod.
“Good, now leave me to talk to Engels for a minute.”
After Jones leaves and closes the door behind him, Coach comes and sits on the edge of the desk and looks down at me.
“Your captain’s brother Engels? You couldn’t find anybody else?”
“You can’t help who you fall in love with Coach.”
He runs a hand over his face and mutters something.
“You know the team aren’t gonna be happy about you breaking the bro code.”
“Fuck the bro code, it’s toxic, people aren’t objects you can get dibs over. Excuse the language Coach.”
He chuckles. “You’re a good kid Jesse. Listen, don’t worry about Jones, he’ll get over it, just as long as you don’t upset his brother.”
“I’m not going to.”
“You know if you can get the mom on side…”
“I already have.”
He grins, “then you’ll be fine. She’s a formidable woman, if anyone can talk some sense into him, it’s her.”
He’s quiet for a moment and I ask if I can leave.
“Hold on a second Jesse, I want to know if you’ve made a decision about Carolina?”
“I’m not going. But I appreciate the opportunity.”
He smiles. “I think that’s the right decision. And the outreach programme? You’ll miss some hockey over the summer, exhibition games - could be an opportunity to be seen in Europe again…”
“I’ll do the programme, if that’s okay?”
“We’ll manage.”
When I go back into the lounge, the guys look up at me.
“Where’s Jones?”
“His mom called him, I think she’s in the parking lot chewing him out.”
I turn to go and look, but Petroski calls me back.