“Yeah, I am. I just have to tell my dad now.”
“Do you want me to tell him with you?”
“No, I don’t want the first time you meet my family to end up in a fight.”
His eyes get all wide.
“Don’t worry, I don’t mean a physical fight. My dad hasn’t spanked me since I was ten.”
“He spanked you?”
I shrug, “everybody did when I was growing up.”
“It’s okay. I’ve got this.”
Fuck, it feels good for someone to have my back like this. It’s like being part of a team. And that right there, feeling a part of something,that’swhat I love about hockey. Not beating people up or scoring points or even winning, but being a team, looking out for each other and knowing someone is always in your corner.
I pull Nate in close and feel his heart beating against my chest and smell his shampoo in my nose.
“I love you.”
He doesn’t miss a beat before he says it back. “I love you too.”
Jesse is still in my bed when I wake up in the morning. It feels so right to wake up next to him and snuggle in before he has to get up for class. This is what I want the rest of my year to be like. I want to enjoy having a boyfriend for the first time ever and stop pretending that it wasn’t something I really wanted.
Jesse groans as I snuggle in closer until our bodies are flush against each other and I’m kissing his neck.
“Baby, I don’t have much time.”
“Not even a quick hand job?”
A smile splits his face and I quickly slip my hand between his legs and enjoy the way he comes apart for me while I watch.
This is my boyfriend. My sexy, sweet, kind boyfriend.
Jesse has his own toothbrush in the bathroom now since I left the spare one he uses in my toothbrush holder. I love seeing them both sitting there together when I brush my teeth in the morning.
I watch him in his underwear as he stands at the bathroom mirror and revel in the knowledge that he’s all mine. I don’t care about the muscles, though they’re definitely nice to look at, and touch. I’ll love him whatever his body looks like. I can’t believe I was ever shallow enough to think someone’sclothesof all things made them my type or not.
“Okay baby?”
Okay, maybe I do like being called baby?
I get out of bed to kiss him, “I like you.”
“Like? I’ve been demoted now?”
“Love, I love you.”
“That’s better.” He grins and kisses me.
“Want me to walk to the bus stop with you?”
“Nah, you stay here, it’s cold out there, and I bet you want to study before class.”