I must blush because Nate apologises.
I laugh.Say something Jesse.“Takes one to know one.”Wow, well done.
Nate’s voice is low when he speaks again, “yeah well I don’t have Cher on my playlists.”
I pick a cushion up and hit him with it, not with even half the force I could obviously and he bursts out laughing and puts his arms up to protect himself. His pyjama shirt rides up and the sight of his bare belly makes my cock ache. Fuck, he’s beautiful.
His smile fades when he puts his arms down and catches me staring at him. When he fixes his shirt so his skin isn’t showing, I feel like I’m out of order for looking, but then he leans forward and presses his lips against mine andfuck, there’s that fizzle in the pit of my stomach again, like when we kissed at that party.
He’s not drunk this time so I don’t have to stop. But I should.
Nate puts his arms around my neck and pulls me closer and we meet in the middle, pushing the empty food packets on the floor.
When Nate wraps his legs around my waist, he’s hard and his cock feels so close through the thin material of his pyjamas. I could just slip my hand inside and…
He pulls me down on top of him and grinds his hips against me and moans into my mouth and fuck, I could come in my pants if he keeps doing this.
I pull away and press my lips against his neck, “fuck Nate, we should stop.”
He’s still grinding against me and I can feel his heart pounding against my chest. When he speaks, it’s through a ragged breath, “no.”
“No, don’t stop?”
“Don’t stop.”
“Have you done this before?”
He shakes his head.
I force myself to pull away.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says.
I want to believe him. I told myself your first time doesn’t matter too. But I still regret every first. The first time I slept with a girl and wasn’t ready, but didn’t think guys should feel like that, so forced myself to do it anyway.
Or the first time I met up with some guy on a seedy chat site and got an awkward blow job in the passenger seat of a jeep.
I think about the awkwardness that followed those firsts. The silence and how we could barely look at each other. How we never spoke to each other again and would have been embarrassed if we ever crossed paths. I don’t want that with Nate. Definitely don’t want to be a part of anyone else’s awkward first time memories.
“You shouldn’t have your first time with me.” I sit up and arrange myself so my cock isn’t straining against my jeans.
Shit. That awkward silence I was trying to avoid is here anyway.
“I don’t want things to be awkward between us,” I say, “and I don’t want to be part of something you regret.”
“Jesse,” Nate puts a hand on my arm. I wait for him to say something else, but he just keeps it there for a minute before letting it drop.
“You’re right,” he says eventually, “I was rushing into it. I’m hungover and all over the place.”
“I know, it’s okay.”
“Not that I don’t want to do that with you, I do, obviously.”
He sinks back into his corner and I know better than to look at him, he’s obviously going to look hot as fuck.
“I don’t want to be a twenty-one year old virgin.”