He stands in the middle of the room separating the pool from the rest of the house, like he doesn’t know what to do with himself and like he could pass out on his feet.
“You can go back to bed with your food if you want, I just wanted to come by and say sorry.”
He frowns, “what for?”
“I know I pissed you off last night, I’m not that dumb.”
“You’re not…”
“It’s okay, I know, I understand how it works, and I know you’re too hungover to have this conversation right now, so… yeah, sorry.”
Nate’s face softens. “Do you wanna watch a movie?”
Yes.Ah fuck I hate the way Imeltat that innocent invitation.
Nate puts a movie on the huge TV in the den. There’s a big wraparound couch with tons of cushions and Nate settles into one corner and I settle into another and put the food down between us.
“I know you think you want burgers and tacos, but trust me, you don’t.”
“You went to Five Guys and you didn’t get burgers? What kind of psycho are you?” Nate widens his eyes, “sorry, I think I’m still a little drunk.”
I laugh, “just take it from someone who’s been hungover like twenty-percent of his adult life, fries and Five Guys grilled cheese sandwiches are what you need right now, and water.”
Nate starts unpacking his food and takes a tentative bite of a fry. He closes his eyes and moans and I have to remind myself to behave.
“Yes, very, thank you.”
“What are we watching?”
“Oh!” he looks excited and I hate how much it makes me feel all warm inside. “I wanted to show you this, it’s calledPretty in Pink,it’s an old 80s movie me and Katie watch all the time, there’s a really good scene with an Otis Redding song in I thought you’d like.”
He’s been thinking about movie recommendations for me?He practically made me a mixtape. No, don’t get carried away, it’s just a movie.
We watch the movie in silence and Nate starts slowing down on the food after the first few enthusiastic bites of his grilled cheese. I know that sick, but hungry feeling well.
When it comes up to the scene Nate wanted to show me, he perks up and points at the TV, “this is it!”
The poor guy who’s in love with the red-haired girl comes into the record store where she works while they’re listening toTry a Little Tendernesson a record player and starts dancing around the store.
It is a cool scene, but I mostly love how I can see Nate staring at the side of my face while I watch to see if I like it as much as he thought I would.
When the scene ends, he says, “so… what did you think?”
“It was cool, I liked it. I like this movie.”
Nate grins, “don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you likePretty in Pink.”
“I don’t care, I’m secure in my masculinity or whatever. I have Tina TurnerandCher on my Spotify playlists.”
“Hey, Cher’s an icon.”
“Yeah a gay icon.”