He zeroed in on my clit, somehow finding it despite the layer of clothing in the way. The friction from the rough material of my jeans and the slow circular motion of his finger had me seeing stars in a ridiculously short amount of time. My body trembled as the first wave of an orgasm rolled through me.
“Beautiful,” he praised, his movements between my legs slowing but never stopping until I collapsed against his chest.
“That was…I don’t have words.”
“It’s just the beginning, Henley.”
“I like that,” I yawned, suddenly exhausted.
Unwrapping my legs, I slid down the front of him—noting his continued aroused state—until my feet touched the ground.
“Ignore it,” he grumbled, making me laugh, then yawn a second time. “Get inside, baby.”
Raising up, I kissed the underside of his chin.
“Good night, Keaton. Thank you for everything.”
“No need to thank me, Henley. You deserve so much more than life has handed you. I’m just making sure you get it.”
I could feel the warmth of his stare; watching me thewhole way until I was safely locked inside my new home. Only then did I hear the rumble of his engine starting and the low purr as it pulled away. I was so entranced in all things Keaton; I didn’t notice Lanie sitting on the steps until she spoke.
“He’s got demons.”
“So do I.”
“The way he looks at you? You’re the only one with the power to erase them all. Don’t let him fuck it up.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Good. Now, do you want Cherry Garcia or Chunky Monkey?”
“Ben and Jerry’s?”
“Is there another kind?”
We spent the next twenty minutes swapping sob stories side by side at the breakfast bar. Lanie consumed the entire pint of ice cream while I opted for only a few bites, explaining how my blood sugars were still a little out of whack, even though I was back on my regular medicine.
I’d always walked a fine line when it came to controlling my diabetes. For the first few years after I was diagnosed, the doctors put me on insulin because no matter how well I stuck to a diet, my numbers were too high. Then I began having episodes where my blood sugar would drop dangerously low, so they switched me over to pills in addition to the slower acting Lantus.
“Are there any signs I should look out for? I mean, I’ve taken the basic lifesaver courses we’re required to have, so we’re good if you have a stroke or heart attack,” Lanie asked after mentioning the night Keaton stumbled upon me on the street.
“He really told you guys about that?”
“Are you kidding? Sure, he felt horrible for assumingyou’d overdosed, but it was more than guilt riding him to find you.”
“Wait a minute. He thought what?” I screeched.
“Shit.” She slapped her palm against her forehead. “Any chance you can forget what I just said?”
“Not likely,” I snorted.
“Well, fuck. Let me explain then.”
“Really, there’s no need.” I placed my hand on top of hers. “Young girl in a college town passed out cold on the street? I can only imagine how awful it looked.”
“You get it.”
“I do. Doesn’t mean I won’t tease him mercilessly when the opportunity presents itself though.”