“They’re not going to hurt her, Keaton. They love her. Just give them a minute.”
Logically, I knew she was right. The issue was, logic didn’t play a starring role in my head at the moment. All I wanted was to keep her safe, and I couldn’t do that from ten feet away. I took a step, only to be halted by the sudden feel of cold, hard steel around my left wrist.
“What the fuck, Lanie?”
“You weren’t listening.” She shrugged.
“So you decided handcuffing me to an immovable object was a better solution?”
Looking down, I pulled against the restraints, which were anchored to a wooden bar running underneath the counter, wincing when they bit into the skin of my wrist.
“Actually, it was Noah’s idea. I just executed it to perfection,” Koen stated, obviously pleased with himself.
“Thanks, asshole,” Noah muttered.
“You’re all assholes,” I groused, reaching into my front pocket to retrieve the handcuff key we all carried. Once I’d unlocked myself from the harsh device, I slumped against the counter. “But thank you for stopping me.”
Peering across the room, I watched as Shirley, Mitzy,and Betsy pulled Henley into a loving embrace; tears flowing down each of their faces.
“You’ll come live with me and Sal.” Shirley patted her cheek once they broke apart.
“No, that’s not?—”
“Actually,” Lanie cut in. “She’s moving in with me.”
“Really, I’m?—”
“Could you all stop interrupting me for five flipping seconds?” She stomped her foot, narrowing her jeweled eyes on me.
“Sorry.” I held my hands up in surrender.
The last thing I wanted to do was piss her off, however, the level of my concern reached DEFCON 4 when that cocksucker spouted off. He knew where she’d been sleeping; had probably been keeping tabs on her for a while which meant—now more than ever—her safety was paramount.
She rubbed her thumb against her left hip, something I’d seen her do twice now, and pivoted to face Lanie. “If you’re sure I won’t be in the way, I’d love to stay with you. With two conditions, of course.”
“Hit me with ’em,” Lanie beamed.
“I pay for half of everything.”
“A third.” She held up her hand, stopping Henley before she could argue. “Nonnegotiable. The idea here is to get you back on your feet, not strap you down.”
“Do they teach you all how to be bossy at FBI school?”
“Pretty much. What’s number two?”
“Will you teach me how to protect myself?”
“Hell yes. Every girl should know basic self-defense.”
“Okay, then when can I move in?”
“Tonight.” I moved in behind her, placing my hands on her slim hips.
“See? Bossy.”
Once everything was settled, Henley and the other women went back to work while my team and I ordered our lunch to go. When the food was ready, the rest of my group headed to our ride, their arms loaded down with a multitude of plastic bags, while I stopped at the front counter.