Before she had a chance to answer the young medic, who appeared to have just graduated high school, I intervened.
“Listen, kid. No offense, but we need a female to check her out.”
“Sir, I’m a prof––” He stopped mid-word, swallowing thickly at my low growl. “Melissa, you take this one.”
“Wise move.”
“Really, Keaton?” Henley smacked me in the chest with the back of her hand. “You’re such a caveman.”
I grunted in response because she wasn’t wrong. Muffled chuckles filled the room as my crew tried––and failed––to control their laughter. All except Duncan, who’d leaned his huge frame against the far wall; arms and legs both crossed in front of him in a relaxed manner, which I knew from experience was far from the truth. He was acting as a sentry; his ever observant ice-blue eyes on a constant swivel looking out for danger.
“Hello, Henley. I’m Waverly Mitchell, Resident Agent in Charge of these hooligans,” she said with a crooked smile, extending her hand. Henley returned the sentiment, hissing when the female medic began feeling around her jawbone.
“The big bastard over there is Duncan Palmer, baby.” My girl was a little more hesitant as she turned her attention to the six-foot-six, broody federal agent, but relaxed exponentially when he returned her awkward wave with a wink.
“And I’m Nelson.” He pointed to himself.
“It’s nice to meet you all, I just wish it were under different circumstances.”
“I know you’ve had a rough night, and I’m sorry for the part we are about to play in making it more difficult, but this is Detective Shayne Black. She’ll be investigating your attack.”
“Hey, Henley.” The woman slid a chair out from under the table and sat down; taking a black notebook and pen out of her purse before setting it on the floor. “Can you tell me exactly what happened?”
Hearing the story a second time was no less horrific than the first, actually it was more so, considering I had tuned out most of what Jade said in lieu of caring for Henley. Both girls were rock stars though, walking us through every step they made after leaving Over Easy, all the way up to their arrival home. Every tear Henley shed tore at my soul and from the hard edges on the faces of my teammates and closest friends, I wasn’t the only one willing to absorb her pain or even to dole some out in her honor.
“Ms. Graves, would it make you more comfortable to go somewhere more private so I can check out your back?” the EMT asked when Henley finished giving her statement.
“Yes, please.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“Actually, we have a few things to discuss, Keaton,” Duncan voiced, speaking for the first time since entering the home.
“Does it have anything to do with my case?” Henley questioned, getting a nod from my supervisor. “Then I’d appreciate it if you’d wait for me. I have the right to know.”
“Fair point,” he conceded before spearing me with a look I knew all too well.
Fuck. This wasn’t good.
Sierra, the EMT, was incredibly tender as she probed my back, even going so far as suggesting the use of arnica cream to minimize the bruising. When he wasn’t crowdingthe poor girl in, Keaton was pacing, mumbling under his breath––loudly––about the great pleasure he would take in replicating every single mark he found on my body when they arrested Chase. Accidentally, of course.
By the time we finished with the exam and I was instructed to follow up with my primary care doctor, exhaustion was riding me hard. What was supposed to be a fun, enjoyable night had turned into a nightmare of epic proportions. The only thing I wanted to do was crawl in bed with Keaton wrapped around me and sleep until June. Since the kitchen was currently filled with more federal agents than we’d originally planned on, thoughts of a good night's sleep went out the window.
“Where’s Jade?” I asked, searching the room for my friend.
“They took her to have X-rays done of her wrist,” Koen explained.
“I’m going to grab you a couple slices of pizza.” Keaton placed his hands on my knees after positioning me at the table.
“I’m not really hungry.” The gentle, but firm squeeze he gave them, plus the worry in his eyes had me quickly amending my statement. “But I should eat something. Thank you.”
After handing me a plate with more slices than I could possibly eat, Keaton positioned himself behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, gently kneading the flesh between his fingers.
“Not to be rude, but why are you here, Nelson?” he questioned.
“The three of us were already on the way here when we got the call from Noah,” Waverly started. “Nelson was able to pull photos and other files from Henley’s brokenphone.”