Lanie: Yup. Anywho, K wanted me to let you know he won’t be in for lunch. He and Noah are running down a few leads.
Me: Oh, okay. Are we still on for game night?
Lanie: Hell yes! We’re gonna kick their testosterone-filled asses.
Lanie: Jade is bringing you home, right?
Me: Yes, Mom.
Lanie: I could just tell K to put a tracker on you.
Me: Nobody likes a smart-ass, Lanie.
Lanie: You love me and you know it.
Me: Yeah. I kindado.
Lanie: Enough mushy stuff. We’ll grab dinner and drinks on the way. TTYL.
Before meeting Keaton and his team, the only impressions I had of FBI agents were what I saw on the TV or in movies; essentially hard-laced, stuffy suits with a take-no-prisoner attitude. Don’t get me wrong. When they were in full-on work mode, they’d scare the grizzly out of a bear. But when they shut it off, they were just like anyone else; with their own issues and insecurities they pushed aside in order to perform at the highest level. And from what I’d seen, these four were the best at what they did, which also meant they were well-versed at hiding their own demons.
Case in point, Special Agent Lanie Biggs. I’ve gotten to know her little by little since moving into the townhouse. She wasn’t exactly an open book when it came to her past, however, I’ve picked up on a few things which made me wonder what the hell her story was. The other night, I heard her on the phone and if she hadn’t told me afterward it was her brother, I would’ve thought she was talking with a complete stranger. There was no hint of familiarity, no trace of sisterly love in her voice. The whole scene was in complete contrast to the woman who’d opened up her home to me without blinking an eye. Afterward, she’d retreated into herself, as if the whole three-minute conversation had stirred up old wounds.
“Are you ready?”
Jade came out of the break room with a baby-blue duffel bag slung over her shoulder. Her brother was having a sleepover at a friend’s house, which was the only way I’d gotten her to agree to join us.
“Yes. Thanks for giving me a ride.”
Old Blue had made the initial trip to the townhouse, butthe next day when I went to start her up, nothing happened. As in, no clicks, no sputters…just silence. Keaton offered to have it towed to a local garage for them to run a diagnostic. While the car had sentimental value, it would have been a waste of money for something which was more than likely unfixable. So, he had it towed to Noah’s house instead, saying we could store it there for as long as I wanted. He and Jade had taken turns getting me to and from work each day, which worked out since he said he didn’t want me going anywhere alone.
Her silver Nissan Altima was parked half a block away, down an alley which was sandwiched between two corner buildings. She depressed the button on the key fob to unlock it as we approached the rear, but before I could open the door, a heavy weight slammed into my back, crushing me into the side of the car. My chin bounced off the frame, rattling my teeth and sending a sharp pain up my jaw. I was momentarily stunned, then I fought; twisting and turning, doing everything I could to get free, except nothing worked against the immovable force
The fear clawing at my insides from being pinned intensified when I glanced over the roof of the car to find Jade struggling with two other people who were both wearing all black. One quickly overpowered her, slapping a hand over her mouth when she started to scream.
My head was yanked back by my ponytail into an awkward position as my attacker nuzzled his cheek against mine. When he spoke, I froze.
“Where’s your hot-shot boyfriend now, Henley?”
His stale, beer-infused breath wafted under my nose with each word he panted. I would recognize his voiceanywhere, considering the bastard played a starring role in my nightmares.
“I told you, you’d pay, didn’t I?” When I remained silent, he gripped my hair harder and boomed, “Didn’t I?”
The grip on my hair released as he spun me around to face him. When I stumbled to a stop, he leaned in. “Yeah. You’re gonna pay.” Grinding his hips against me, I barely held back a gag when I felt his hardness on my belly. “And I’m gonna enjoy making it hurt.”
“Hey! What’s going on down there?” a male voice called out from the end of the alley.
Chase jerked away, flinging his head toward the sound. Using the distraction to my advantage, I balled up my fist and swung with my right hand—just like Lanie had shown me. The punch may not have hit the center of his throat where I intended, but the choking sound he made was satisfying, nonetheless. He recovered quickly, placing a hand in the middle of my chest and shoving me brutally into the doorframe before he and his two goons took off running down the back end of the alley. From the impact, I knew I’d have bruises littering my back; however, those were the least of my worries at the moment.
Keaton was going to kill him.
My hands shook and my heart beat so wildly in my chest that every attempt to drag in a lung full of oxygen was met with resistance. Sagging to my knees, the world spun and blurred into a myriad of shapes and colors as my eyes leaked big fat tears, despite my determination to keep them at bay. A sob tore from my lips at the same time Jade scrambled around the vehicle and took me in her arms, rocking us back and forth.