Page 46 of Haunted

“Are you sure she doesn’t mind me crashing your night out?” Jade asked for the third time in as many hours.

“I swear to all things holy; I want to shake you sometimes.”

It had been a week since Keaton saved my life for a second time. Seven glorious days of falling asleep every night in his arms and waking up the same way. We hadn’t had sex again, though there’d been plenty of orgasms—both his and mine—to go around. I was starting to think he hadn’t enjoyed it as much as I had until I overheard a conversation between Noah and Lanie a few days later which explained everything, including why Keaton had a split lip and Koen was sporting a shiner.

They’d overheard us.How embarrassing.Apparently, Koen being Koen, decided to poke the bear, earning himself a go-round in a boxing ring. At first, I was upset with Keaton for not telling me, then I was pissed for another reason altogether. I’d missed out on seeing my man in action. All those muscles rippling and contracting as he threw punch after punch? Dammit! I could only imagine how incredibly hot it was to witness.

“Earth to Henley. Did you hear anything I said?”

“Sorry.” I shook my head, reaching for a tray to get the drinks for the table whose order I was working on.

“You’ve got it bad, girl.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“You may as well have it stamped across your forehead.”


“If it’s any consolation, he feels the same way.”

“How do you know?”

She threw her head back and laughed. Laughed!

“Mitzy. Come here for a sec,” she called out, swiping atear from beneath her eye. I have no idea what she found so funny about the situation.

“What’s up, my little gumdrops?” Mitzy sauntered over.

“Who comes in every day at one o’clock sharp when Henley’s working?”

“Oohhh. That would be Special Agent Hot Stuff and his posse.” She wagged her eyebrows.

“And who bought her the fancy new phone in her pocket that chimes no less than a hundred times throughout the day with texts?”

“The same man who has ignored each and every attempt I’ve made to flirt with him all week.” Mitzy angled her head at me. “He’s a loyal one, that Keaton. Only has eyes for you.”

“Jesus, Mitzy.” I dropped my head back on my shoulders. The woman would proposition a priest if she thought he’d break his vow of celibacy.

“That’s how I know,” Jade stated. “More importantly, how do you not?”

I thought about it, then thought about it even more as I continued to serve my customers, at least until I screwed up half a dozen orders so badly Shirley had to pull me off the floor to cut up vegetables for Sal in the kitchen.

Halfway through peeling my first ten pound bag of potatoes, the fancy phone Jade spoke of vibrated in my pocket. After rinsing off my hands, I pulled out the pretty blue iPhone, chuckling at the text.

Lanie: Did you eat today?

It seemed Keaton wasn’t the only one with a protective streak a mile wide.

Me: Sure did.

Lanie: What’d you have?

Me: Food.

Lanie: {rolls eyes} Rude much?

Me: Fine. I had eggs and toast. Satisfied?